I Concede... And Maybe More!

Day 887, 13:32 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

As of right now, my good buddy, EC is anally raping me in the April election for California Congressman, with over double the amount of votes I have. That being said, it makes sense to concede and congratulate him on a job well done.

Good question. With my political career apparently over - once again - I have come across another crossroads in my eLife. I can continue to sit here in eUSA and do NOTHING... or maybe I can PTO a party and get active that way again. Truthfully, I am thinking of heading somewhere else and starting anew.

With all the confusion in the political atmosphere of the eUSA, I honestly am not sure I even want to be a part of that mess. See http://tinyurl.com/25629rd and http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-usa-with-leaders-like-these-who-needs-allies--1320036/1/20 as well as http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-usa-fun-times--1320193/1/20 for more information there.

Good question. I pretty much am thinking of moving to one of three places...

The eUSA is stale and boring and infighting and left it nearly impotent and powerless. Just as our bros in the north may be experiencing a military coup... when I was more active on IRC... the same thing was being discussed and can happen at anytime. People welding too much money and too much power may or may not be planning the systematic destruction of the eUSA while serving in the nation's government. SEES is no longer against the system and instead is the system - complete with a party of its own.

The eUSA has fallen into such a slump, I feel it is better to leave then to even try anymore. Uncle Sam is dying and unless something changes... there no reason to be a part of it anymore.

Till Next Time...
Take a Sad Song... and Flip over the Damn Record...
Jude Connors