I bless the rains down in [South]Africa

Day 1,905, 17:54 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine
Losing my Religion
I sat one night at the ole Revolutionary Bar, in the background I could hear Kooguy and Greeling engaging in less than credible activities while Hyuuz watched. It seemed the three had to much Revodka, while I was on my 6th glass myself feeling a daze that was almost dream like, I felt no urge to take part in such lunacy. As I got up from my stool in the corner, I noticed I was in the spotlight, losing my religion, I knew the UK was no longer the place for me, not when they were for a country that was against so many of my friends in a land down under. Before I left the bar, I made sure to tell Cielly that iRule was soon to get to physical with shoi in the backroom and that she should go break it up before one would say or do something that they would regret sober.

Journey to Africa
After all the drinking at the Bar, various Pubs, I headed to the battle fields, spent some time trying to free Albania, but it wasn't meant to be, spent half a day in Russia fighting with the Canadians against Spaniards, but equally against Destiny. Next I entered the Free State, which didn't stay free for long falling to the might of Brazil, as I stood on a baron waste land the Rain started to pour as I headed to Limpopo I knew it was time to keep my word and return to the Garrison of South Africa.

In Conclusion
After leaving the UKPP, UK Congress, and the Royal Navy on the verge of quitting the game, I thought about joining Albania, but after a few days that seemed to not be in the cards, spent a day in Russia fighting against Spain for Canada, where I posed a question on where to go next, followed Grimstones suggestion and chose South Africa. I want to thank the UK for having me they have some nice people up there, allowing me a chance to serve in Congress even though it didn't work out, thank you to Lancer for his continued friendship, and thanks to the South African government for processing my citizenship app and approving me to the country once again, also thanks to DSS/Josh for helping out in that.

Coming Soon:
A Response to Bia's Strangers Article, something I'm sure Greeling will Love.
Hopefully a more frequent Radio show.
A Contest, so I can get a new Paper Banner.
Hopefully more lovely stories for my loyal readers.