Hurricane Rick is heading for you !

Day 701, 19:20 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

There is a new Hurricane in Erepublik recently named Hurricane Rick.
Unlike the IRL storm that past away, this hurricane acts vastly different.
It cleans and disinfects everything in it's path!
Kittens will fall from the sky!
Some say you can hear Rick Astly's "Never going to give you up" in the wind.

After the storm leaves the area a 1 month rainbow will cover the sky. Yes a freaking rainbow! It'll even glow in the dark so you'll have no problem seeing it at night!

The only thing this storm needs to sustain itself is VOTES! Votes will keep it's engines going. However the storm is heading for Arizona, a very dry place which will soak up any moisture from the sky. If it is to survive, it'll need many vote in this upcoming election. If hurricane Rick sustains itself past the election, it is expected to sweep through the nation all the way to capital of the USA. Bringing forth prosperity and awesomeness.

Keep the hurricane alive
Rickroll congress
Vote Emperor Rick

In other news....
Congratulations to the USA!

We've liberated Manitoba from the huns, now we're striking Washington. It's very important that we continue to win while we have territory in Canada. Because if we fail, we allow the huns the opportunity to launch a counter attack on Manitoba. Since that territory is not an original, they can strike it without activating our alliances. We need to hold Manitoba, and any other region we capture north of the 49th parallel until the Huns are completely out of North America.

Follow the DoD and fight with everything you've got.