How Far We've Come

Day 1,782, 16:48 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

Article Theme Music
As a eNation
When I first joined this game, the first CP election I witnessed was in June of 2011, Glove vs Pfieffer, and getting messages from "Pizza the Hut" telling me why Pfieffer must never be CP, but at this point I had already voted for the then Libertarian Candidate Stanleyman. Now yesterday Pfieffer was elected CP/PotUS, if this is a good thing or not is yet to be seen, but it is certainly better then letting an extremist like Ajay getting his way, who can say whatever he wants to try and convince people that he's super American, that is just not true, real Americans don't rely on Foreign support to gain political power, he has always been off kilter and if you don't believe it just follow the trail of evidence and banned accounts. Further these protects by extreme radical congressmen with these 69 dollars donations, those who call themselves "patriots" excuse me hurting you country makes your a "traitor" not a patriot, and don't feed me "well they got rid of our bonuses" who cares, bonuses aren't everything. Anyway Good Luck to Pfieffer/Henry in this coming month.
As a Player
After all this is a political game, and I have been playing for well over a year, Putting the first few weeks aside, I got my start in involvement in the early phases of the Spanish invasion of last June, with my first article, also in that month I founded the Revolutionary Party, one month later I started to get more interested in congress, on August 25th I did my first of a long running congressional election special that spanned 8 months. But my first real Job in eUS government came one year ago when I was Israel Stevens deputy in the Media department of the eUS government. I've since served again in a Media department, served 4 months as [Super]Ambassador to Albania, held positions in South Africa, and am technically the Ambassador to Cyprus, though I probably shouldn't be, I have not been all that active of late.
Suggested Articles to Read

PQ writes good stuff Blood in the Desert

It Kind of Hurts but [PotUS] Looking forward to the Month ahead
Mini Series
Going to try and publish a few more articles over the next couple days to cover a range of topics. This one was focused on political aspects then and now.
Quote of the Article
"Friendship is one mind in two bodies."