How and why bots work...

Day 1,301, 04:56 Published in Canada Canada by OLloyd

Hey guys, I have gotten a lot of questions about bot's lately and wanted to explain it better so I sat down with my staff and we wrote this comprehensive article. I first want to introduce you to Ingred, my researcher.

She combed threw the database and she sent Jill and her team out into the geek community to dig up all the important explainations.

When they came back they gave that information to our top writer, Megan who took all their research and converted it into a form of language most of you folks can understand...
And here is the verdict:
Basically, the admins run bots buying up goods on the market. They don't run all the time but they do run, and we have noticed them buying more when quantities listed are high in a catagory. We am not sure what their bots buy prices are, however I do know that for Q1 food the price sits between $0.76-$0.80. Admin bots have been around for a long time, they screw up the economics of the game, as you can see. Since a bot is just a program, we figure the program is written to look at how many of each product is listed on the market, if there are more than X of that product, then the bot starts buying in it's buy range in that catagory, but the buy range doesn't allow for the bot to buy the cheap stuff first. We ran the numbers and it looks like there are fewer Q3 and up (food and weapons) listed on the market than the Q1. And since the Admins are so smart, all the quantities for each catagory is the same, so the country would have to have too much listed in the catagory that you want bought up by the bot before the bot would even start working. And with import/export taxes high in most countries, the markets are not running as they originally were intended to run.

I hope that explains bots well enough...