Here it is you old farts! Your own party!

Day 1,744, 17:07 Published in USA Finland by WP Attak

Re-shout in every nation!

Here it finally is!

A party for us 30+ year old real-life gamers! Over 20% of eCitizens in Finland admit they are over 30 years in real life! I am sure USA is no second to Finland as Internet was created in USA!

Join the party:

In Finland, almost two years ago, we suggesfully launched a new party, and new MU just dedicated to people over 30 years. Surprisingly, it quickly reached 20% of population, and 25% of national damage. I think it is time for USA to smarten up, and do the same thing. This game is not just clicking damage, but it can be a social network of people who see the game in the same way!

Join us and have fun with this game!

I wasted 40g and created a new party, just to see if this is also possible in eUSA. I promise not to run for pary president as I am not native USA. I did this just to see how many of you Old Guys and Gals are out there, and how many of you are open to disclose your age and experience.

And yes, this is my first article in USA media, and yes I did promise not to have political participation when I applied for citizenship so that is why I will not have any role in this party (except advising).

Yeah yeah you need these right: (.)(.)

... but really, this is what tells more than any words:

This is how a big population of 1000+ "old" gamers in Finland visualize themselves, I am not sure how you want to do that in USA... Remember Trav**n, remember MUD, ... you are NOT ALONE! Online gaming is popular among 30Y+!

And this is where you belong in, a party where you can always say what you think, and where you meet and talk with people like yourself:

Party is initially center and liberal, because we do not push any political idea or alliance... just a place to meet with similar type of people, your kind of people.