Here Comes The Sun

Day 833, 23:33 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

There has been so much going on, I haven't been able to write in awhile. Since becoming the Party President of the United States Workers Party, I have very little time free. I've been planning on writing an article since before the Congress elections, but have been unable. Sorry it's been so long.

Basically, there has been a number of things that have gone on. Congress elections were wild and crazy, but the USWP still came out on top. I was "sniped" from returning to Congress but that is OK. I ran in Louisiana with the plan to basically detour sniper votes from other candidates in my party. Unfortunately, one other deserving candidate was also sniped, USWP member and friend, Fionia.

I think it is pathetic to purposely cost someone an election, especially someone devoted to the game as much as Fionia is. I think the act was stupid and cowardly, and I hope the people responsible take great joy in their ignorant act. Things like that is what causes good people to leave this game. I am glad Fionia did not leave the game in disgust, and I am only one of very many. What's more pathetic about it is the fact that those responsible are too chicken to come out and face the music. Sniping me... I can understand. Sniping Fionia... Pathetic. Counterproductive. Stupid. Personal.

No one player or group in this game is better than everyone else in the entirety of this game.

USWP Presidential Endorsement


With 69.2%, PigInZen is the clear winner and the official USWP-endorsed candidate for Country President. Congratulations to PigInZen and thank you all for voting.

The Jude Connors Show

After a two week hiatus, The Jude Connors Show returns tonight with America's favorite hippie, Jude Connors. He be joined as always by Lord Pariah, who will discuss the up-and-coming semester of the USWP Workers University.

This week's guest is JOSH FROST - who will give a prospective of the Office of Country President from a position that only a few have seen.

Make sure you head over to to catch the show live at 9 PM Game Time (PST) / 10 MST / 11 CST / and Midnight EST.


Wow. The USWP had an amazing Congressional elections season. We put 17 USWP members into Congress ( almost 35% of Congress) and 5 sixth-party candidates (from Bull Moose Party, P.O.T.A.T.O.E., SFP, and a SEES guy) ran under under colors and are now in Congress. Our biggest loss was Fionia being sniped out of office - a matter we will ascertain NOT happen next month. To start, Fionia has been appointed the Elections Director of USWP and will now lead the PAC.

We now turn our attention to progress through programs. What will set the USWP apart from other parties is that we will offer party members the chance to be a part of something. Member Service Director Lord Pariah is already working hard of getting the Workers University up and running. In addition, I have appointed Beea as Job Corp Director. They will work together with Recruiting Director Disdick to help us make the USWP Job Corp idea a reality. For more info on Job Corp, click here. In addition, we will be working to form the USWP Workers Militia.

New USWP members now in Congress will be masked to allow access into the USWP Congress threads. Please go here to get your access.

Remember that we are seeing progress, despite some set backs. The United States Workers Party continues to grow in numbers and will continue to grow in activity. The USWP is seeing progress... and we will continue to see that progress take us to #1!

USA Department of the Interior News

The USA Department of the Interior continues to serve as an example of a government department at it's best. The DoI is so successful, that have really been handling only the department policy. Interior Department Chief of Staff fingerguns and Interior Secretary of Civilian Affairs Maxx Johnson, along with the Program Directors of The Salvation Army, Meals on Wheels, the Community Development Project, USA Flying Unicorn Squadron, and the USA Welcoming Committee; are transforming and improving the face of the Department of Civilian Affairs.

The BEST news from the Department is the ONE-STOP New Citizen Assistance Request now available here.

In the Department of Education, the NAU has begun a new semester, but the biggest surprise in the DoE is the success of the rejuvenated eUS Mentor Program. Program Directors Chisholm and rlee 16807 have brought success to a program that I closed due to inactivity during the last administration. Today, forty-four Mentors stand ready to help noobs.

This being said, I can now truthfully say that the USA Department of the Interior is a success. Having become USA Secretary of the Interior when the department was an "inferior" department and seeing such success, I am now ready to let someone else take the reigns. I recommend to the next POTUS to place either Interior CoS Fingerguns or Interior Sec of Civ Affairs Maxx Johnson to be the next Secretary of the Interior. I also want to take this time to thank everyone who has served in the Interior Department with me. My time as Interior Secretary was awesome because of all of you! Thank you!

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...
Jude Connors