Helping out Germany and free gifts for Christmas

Day 766, 05:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
Poland has invaded Germany and currently occupies 3 of it's original regions. Despite attempts to secure Saxony Poland is still holding firm.

It seems that all of this excitement has cause a Polish baby-boom. Yes that’s right, the much loved baby-boom. Like many occupied nations Germany is hoping that Poland’s invasion will call upon the patriotic side of RL Germans and get them to join the game. You can help them by using this website to vote up eRepublik. Simply click on this link:, then vote by clicking on the coloured rectangle on the left hand side. It takes two seconds of your time and has the potential helping eGermany greatly. You can vote once every 24 hours, eRep is currently ranked #4 so get voting.

Free gifts for Christmas

That’s right folks its Christmas - the time of good will. Because of this I will be giving away free gifts to anyone that wants one - regardless of alliance or any other social divide.

If you want a gift, make sure you vote and subscribed to this paper. Then post 'offer' or 'donate' in the comments section below - depending of course on if you want me to increase your health or have the gift so you can increase someone elses health. Thanks all and happy Christmas.

Oh, and Greetings to Serbian National Guard 😃
