Hello Hungary

Day 923, 22:19 Published in Hungary USA by Jude Connors


My name is Jude Connors, I am the new US Ambassador to Hungary. For those who don't know who I am, I would like to take this time to give you an example of who I am and what I would like to achieve in this new position.

To begin with, I am a very open-minded individual, willing to give anyone and any idea some thought. I feel that it is an honor to act as a representative from the United States to the storied nation of Hungary and also feel that it is a great opportunity to make a better future between our two nations.

I feel that I have a unique prospective of many different cultures and alliances, and I respect and regularly communicate with many people that my country consider outcasts - from Americans like Ajay Bruno to people like Arjay Phoenician; from Woldy to Judean Princess, from GlaDos to the illustrious Zoli. I like to see their prospective on things and have had extensive conversations with all of them. I care neither about a person's past nor what others think of them, preferring instead to formulate my own opinion based on my own observations of people.

I lived a short-time in a Phoenix-allied nation and fought alongside many of you when I did. Most of all, I think that dwelling on the past leads to a misconceived future.

In the coming weeks, I will be quietly observing the people, culture, and media of your great nation. I wish to learn as much as I can about Hungary - not the one of the past but the Hungary of now and tomorrow - and invite any and all of you to add my to your friends list. Feel free to contact me through eRepublik at anytime. I will, of course, track my progress here in Jude's Journal and I look forward to the times to come and hope you are as excited as I.

For more information on me, visit my Wiki page.

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie