Hard Luck GlaDos and The eUK.

Day 827, 16:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm
Hello eIrish Citizens.

You may of noticed the recent Northern Ireland battle we had going on?

If not, it doesn't matter, twas no biggy. We still won ozzly.

But unfortunately in every conflict there is always a loser, and I feel that loser was GlaDos, He missed out on his RH medal 😮.

The poor fella, must be raging right now. Yeah so what if the State paid him? He would of got the medal.

So I say we all message poor GlaDos and say hard luck and give him our best wishes in the future.

Also, a Special thank you to Dishmcds for the free wars he is now providing. Listen to Micheal Collins and send him a Thank you message.