Goodbye My Friends

Day 1,102, 16:21 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967

I am leaving the game to concentrate more on real life. It is a decision that has nothing to do with the game itself. I have been playing the game just over a year and have enjoyed it immensely. To everyone here in eRepublik, thank you for making this game worth 1 year of my life. I'll be on #eICA to say a few goodbyes and will drop in again from time to time. I will 2 click for as long as I can and donate all wages/medal Gold to the ICA. I want to write an article to cover everything and everyone, but it's not possible to sum it all up, so I will keep it simple.

Thanks to:

The friends I have made in many, many countries across the world, especially Croatia, Canada and of course Ireland

Special Thanks to:
The Irish Citizen Army
BSD Special Operations Battalion Croatia
The Crimson Order

Not only do I consider you friends, but family:

Make sure to Vote No Here

For the last time,
Is mise,

Goodbye My Friends