Good sir, have you considered a career in the Army?

Day 1,063, 03:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin

There has been a lot of negative press about the Army recently, mostly surrounding an org security problem. But reflecting on where we are now, this is a great time to join the Army. The changes in MPPs mean that these are exciting times for Phoenix, and for the eUK Army as an integral part of that.

If you are interested, which you should be, you are able to join the Army here. I can't encourage it enough.

Fight for your Country

The most appealing reason to join the Army is to fight with fellow countrymen in an organised fashion. It's the rule of numbers, where fighting smart is far better in many situations than fighting hard. By joining the Army, you become part of the grand Phoenix machine, part of something bigger than the single combatant.

Fighting can take place domestically, or abroad. I've toured the eWorld fighting for the eUK, representing the eUK, showing that we really are a world power. By working for the military, you'll be supplied with weapons gratis. Certainly from my point of view early in my e-life, this was hugely attractive. Even now, the thought of Q5 weapons without having to pay out of my own pocket is rather alluring.

Unique Military Community

From the Royal Navy bears, to the Paratrooper rockhoppers, the military has evolved a sub-culture that is truly unique. Now, this takes the form of the private Army community, which is a great place to meet people and make friends. While the military has a long and distinguished history, it is open and friendly.

Some of the most fun times I've had were in military chats, and I've made most of my eRepublik friends through the military. Even now, as somebody who has been out of the major military scene for many months, a great number of people still see and respect me as a military man. It is this unique community that helps talented people get noticed, so I'd encourage anyone to get involved!

Personal Development

Joining the Army and rising through the ranks is a great way to develop your character. In-game, you will benefit in terms of experience points from fighting regularly, as well as developing your military rank and military skill.

As well as the in-game ranks, the military operates an independent hierarchy. Starting from private, one is able to progress through the ranks all the way up to Field Marshal. As somebody who has done it, if you can show you're good enough, and you're dedicated, you can rise through the ranks quickly. I challenge you to do even better than I have! Visit the Wiki page for more details.

Furthermore, fighting in campaigns as part of the Army grants you permission to use various campaign ribbons in your avatar. There are also special awards from the Military Honours Committee that you can earn. If you're into building a strong reputation, you can end up with a very shiny chest.

Many also use a strong presence within the Army as a stepping stone to get into the spotlight. Will I be seeing you there next?

Field Marshal (Ret.) Jhorlin DSO MC MID MP MBE

I've continued the kitten tradition. It's nicely themed too.