Good morning indonesia or matzanesia

Day 545, 23:23 Published in Indonesia Romania by oarecare

I'm reading the indonesian media and i can't stop laughing when i see the articles.
Everybody speaks romanian.Tisk tisk tisk.
Well,there is an ols saying:carefull what you wish for. you wished for ESR AND WSR and got more then you can handle.
Right now you have over 2000 active romanian players in indonesia.
Good luck with them.You're gonna need it.
And remeber my dear indonesians.I am=eu sunt.You are= tu esti. This is your first lesson in romanian,but not to worry,more will come.😃
Meanwhile i am angry because i live in brazil and nobody from their goverment have bothered to teach me brazilian.What's up with that?:cry

Dearest indonesians.I am proposing a pact if you would like that.Since you have a lot of romanians here and since both of us are stuck with each other i think it's only better that we know each other better.So like we teach you romanian,we would like some lessons in indonesian as well.

P.S.And somebody please tell those brazilians to invent a minister of imigration.It's annoying to want learn their language and not to be able.