Good Bye eIreland.

Day 809, 19:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Well, to be perfectly honest I never really seen this coming, but I have decided to Leave eIreland, Permanently, Temporarily, who knows? I don't.

You have driven this country to a fraction of its former glory; it’s a constant day of bickering, fighting and arguing all to end in nothing. Nothing gained, just people scorned.

Soon, you will learn. Soon, you will see. We have lost our way and I wonder if it will ever be found again. I hope the MPP with the US helps, when the UK is no longer threatened by Eden and the lot; they will remember, they will seek revenge just as the US did.

We will be reduced to rubble, and our Infrastructure destroyed. Then the real patriots will shine. When we are in our darkest moment the true eIrish will show us the way. Only then can we move forward. Only then can we get past the fighting, get past the arguing and the senseless bickering, over all the problems we face now.

I voted yes to the MPP with US, this may seem as a hypocritical move as I stated the UK will seek revenge for our signing of this Alliance, but at the end of the day it’s what we need, we need a right kick up the hole to set us in the right direction.
That’s why I decided to move to the UK, to speed up this process best I can. I will never directly fight against eIreland. So when the war is over I will be on the move again.

I have met some wonderful people here in eIreland and some no quite so wonderful 😛. I wish you all the best of luck. Slán.