God Almighty, Running For Congress?!

Day 759, 12:57 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe

What's this?! God almighty running for congress?

No! It's Chewie!

For the first time I ask you, the eSingaporean people, for your support, in this upcoming congressional election. I am currently serving as the Minister of Immigration and would love to take on the duty as a congressman to help develop this nation even more.
I am running under the banner of the best party there is, the New Green Party of Singapore!

Singapore, the time is here, we are getting a face to the eWorld. But as Singapore gets a new face, so does it's government.

Vote for me this election and I will try to make my goals a reality.

My primary goals for this term:

§ Increasing the population in our Nation.
Singapore has got one of the lowest population in all of the eWorld. For our country to have a word in the world politics our population have to increase.
Immigration is the only thing increasing our population. We need more real life Singaporeans to the country, and how? We need to get the people of RL Singapore more involved with the game.
For examples: We could post topics on Singaporean forums telling people to join our nation here in eRepublik. We could try getting IRL Singaporeans who already play eRepublik to make posters and set up on different places in the city. For this I have not much power but I shall try my best doing what I can to make this goal a reality.

§ Information for new Players
Some of the Singaporean citizens are one of the best thinkers of the whole eWorld, but we still have un-informed new players.
They might not have any clue how to even two click the game. We need them to get going.
By doing so I propose an reform in the Ministry of Information and Education.
For example we could send out personal greeting to make them feel welcome, guide them through the game, set up mentor programs and educating guides.
We need to get even the ones who have played the game for a while, but don't know everything about it, to get to know all parts of this game.

§ Enforcing our Armed Forces
Because of my duty as the XO of the Third Platoon, White Fang, in Home Guard I have access to much information about the Singaporean Army, and let me tell you this:
We need more recruits!
Our national army consists of so few people we couldn't even resist a Danish invasion.
As I mentioned above, we need to guide our people.
We have to send messages asking them to join the army. We need to write recruiting articles for the army. We need to let the people know there even is one. At the current time, I have seen no thing showing new people there is an army. We need to let them know!
We need to get them to join our army, so that we from there can expand or military activity, mobilize our troops in other nations and let the world know they wont mess with Singapore without paying a high prize for it!

I stand endorsed by:
- The New Green Party of Singapore
- Flaco Jimenez, President of Singapore
- Whispering Elizabeth, Vice President of Singapore
- Boethiah, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore
- Relorian, Minister of Defence of Singapore
- Jude Connors, Three Times American Congressman
- Clevinger, One Time American Congressman
- Rainy Sunday, One Time American Congressman
- Herrn Sterling, One Time American Congressman


The song of this article:
Disturbed - Meaning of Life


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ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover