Give ourselves a CHANCHE. Read, Vote, Subscribe, Promote and Support the idea

Day 707, 19:01 Published in Greece Serbia by thando

This is the first article of my newspaper. I consider my self Radical, but Rational
I was wondering how this e-world could change.
I ve been playing for several months and the only think that I do care is to fight. Is this our world? Is this our eLife?
Who’s playing with our minds? Who makes the old enemies to become new Allies and the opposite?
The answer is hidden behind the Matrix.
Only the vicious mind who create the e-world wants the countries to fight each other.

So my friends, around the world, I have a proposition for you and the leaders of your countries.

Let’s turn this to an economic growth game instead of conquering regions.
Let’s give a fast turn to that globe and change its own route.
Let’s create an economic base struggle, where Allies would fight in an economy base and not in war field.

We can arrange that. It is in our hands. It is In the hands of our politicians.
If they will they can make things change.
Let’s start again from day zero. Give back to the countries the occupied regions and let them grow their market.
We can still have fights with TW’s. Fortis, PEACE and EDEN can make that arrangement to have every day a TW for all. We can still have battle heroes during TW. Give all you have at that field, but do not let your people starving.

Let’s give a shot.
Let’s give a chance to ourselves.
We do not have such a chance in Real Life. So, let’s do it here😉
Respect & Honor