Gifts , who doesn't love 'em?

Day 2,212, 12:29 Published in Netherlands China by SKYJACKED

“Brian, what’s wrong with you? You’ve been sitting at your desk looking depressed for the last five minutes!”
“Oh Dan,” responded Brian “I don’t know what to do!
I got in a big fight last night with my Suzie, she claims I never buy her gifts, so I must not care about her!”

“Brian, that’s horrible!” said Dan putting his arm around Brian.
“What type of a gift does she want already?”

“Well, right before she closed the door on my face she said to me: “Why don’t you show me how much you care about me?
Why can’t you get me something that goes from 0 to 175 in seconds!”

“Dan what should I do?
I don’t have that kind of money?
I can’t go out and buy her a car!”

“A car? Asked Dan. “Who needs a car?
Just stop by Target and buy her a scale!”



P.s Hope that i could bring a smile to ur face and a Vote or/and a Sub & Shout would be appriciated very much . THKSSS