Gifts week(day 2)

Day 687, 22:42 Published in Croatia Romania by oarecare

Hello croatian allies.In case you are wondering why some of you received gifts today well here is the reason why.
Yesterday i wrote an article where i sugested offering a gift for one week.This effect felt itself on the Romanian market as over 500 gifts were bought.Furthmore,silviu24 took my ideea and upgraded it by ofering a gift to the enemies.Serbs offered gifts to croatians,croatians to serbs,romanians to hungarians,hungarians to Romnanians.

Today being day number 2 of gifts week ,i thought that it would be nice that romanians ofer gifts to it's alies and today i thought that we should call it Croatia's gift day.So every romanian citizen,go to the marketplace,buy a gift and give it to a croatian.And after that ,write to whom you gave it.

So dear croatians,don't be surprised if gifts pope out of nowhere.😃