General Cartman Lee for President of the United States

Day 1,562, 22:37 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Before I bore you with all my politician mumbo jumbo about how I am going to make America awesome again, I have prepared another video for your viewing pleasure. In this video, I will outline the reasons for declaring my candidacy, as well as the dire threats facing America today. I hope you enjoy it and be sure to tell your friends. 🙂 Remember, Vote General Cartman Lee for a FREE America!

I often say I am the most qualified person to never be President of the eUnited States. There is not much I haven't done in my nearly three years in the eWorld. I have lived on five continents, been Party President of many major parties, been a Congressman, including two terms in the eUSA with one of those representing Florida at a time when 35% of the population of the country resided there. I have been an Ambassador, a Special Envoy, and held numerous other positions in various Administrations. On the military front, I currently hold the rank of General of the Armies, the only six star position in the eWorld, commanding the unified forces of EDEN & TERRA. I also founded the American Eagle Division almost a year ago and proudly serve as its Commanding Officer. I have the executive, legislative, and diplomatic political experience needed, and I have the military experience to be ready for the job of Commander-in-Chief on day one.

The economic policy of this country has been nothing short of a complete and utter disaster. There is an anti-democratic group of oligarchs appointed to decide our economic policy. These thugs then dictate to the Congress what policies to put in place. As President I will dismiss and abolish every member of this group and listen to the business owners and consumers of eAmerica as to what they would like to see done to improve the function of our economy. I will establish a 9-9-9 plan, which will involve a flat 9% tax across the board on all taxes in the eUSA. This will provide a leveled playing field and boost the economic productivity of America. Under my plan, all Americans will make and save more money, while the government coffers will still be plenty full. When the elites have millions of USD collecting dust in a "rainy day fund" and claim they need more money, you know something is rotten in Denmark. I pledge a minimum 25% increase in GDP over my term.

Anyone who wishes to serve in my cabinet may apply to do so. Right now we have a ton of bureaucrats with titles that don't really mean anything. My Administration will include both old faces and new ones, but they will have one thing in common, and that is their desire to serve the people of this great nation and to work hard for the betterment of our country. I will announce my cabinet in a future article during the campaign.

There was a time when the eUSA was the most populous nation in the world. It can be and rightfully should be once again. It is time to bring people in to this game and to this country both through out of game recruitment, and immigration from friendly citizens wishing to become eAmericans. We need a Pro-Growth policy if we are ever to realize our larger goals and become a true superpower in the eWorld. We will see a minimum 20% growth in our population.

I am deeply concerned about the direction of our foreign policy. As President, I will not support the renewal of an MPP with the Turks, and I will demand that EDEN expel them from the Alliance. This is a nation which betrayed ONE, and has PTO'd and invaded our long-time friends and allies on many occasions. Like the saiyng goes, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you. Under my leadership, they will not fool us twice and we will guarantee the security of our nation by allying with nations who share our values and interests in a fair game with maximum liberty for all its citizens. I will also seek to use the influence of the USA to form the Free United Countries & Kingdoms, for lulz, and to bring together the best nations from all alliances.

As President I will use the huge treasury we have sitting around to expand Meals on Wheels to include all players up to and including level 30, as opposed to level 25 as it is now. We have the resources to supply more citizens, so we should do it. Additionally, I will remove Ultramarines from government funds as its leader Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel is an Enemy of the State and a threat to national security due to his extremely aggressive and erratic conduct towards the entire nation, and replace them in the OMS funding system with American Eagle Division. Further, we must not ignore the threat of the Turks towards America's domestic security, the continued occupation and oppression of Cyprus, and the threats to our Bulgarian friends. We will wipe the Turks off the map under my Administration.

As usual, I will probably be the only candidate who publishes any sort of plan for his Presidency. so when you consider who you may be voting for, remember that of all the candidates, I will be the one most dedicated to the role of President of the greatest nation that ever was. It is time for a new Golden Era for the eUnited States in the eWorld, and as your President, with your help, and with the blessing of almighty Admin, I know that we can achieve these great dreams and aspirations together, as Americans.

Vote General Cartman Lee On March 5th.
Let it be springtime in America once again.

Your Faithful Servant,
General Cartman Lee
Freedom Alliance Presidential Nominee
General of the Armies ******
American Eagle Division
EDEN-TERRA Unified Command