From Russia with Love: Part Three

Day 1,020, 21:47 Published in USA USA by Synesi
Day 1,017 1600 Hours
Battlefields of FER/Western Alaska
Report Made by: 2nd Lt. John892, CO of the 124th Platoon, USTC

That day, day 1017, will always sit still in the memory of all who had fought in it. That day, that hopeful day, the day that we retook Far Western Alaska right from those Russian hands. There are many tales of what went on that fateful day. This is the story of one man… John892.

It was just a normal old day, walking my way back to the barracks to get something, when this
blasted over the intercom.

“Attention! All Training Corps officers are to immediately report to room 45 of command building,
section 5!”

Immediately I ran toward the room, wondering what would require all of us to be there. There,
Lieutenant General Morrigan Alexandros
briefed us on what we were going to be doing. We were
invading Far Eastern Russia. I was to roll out with Alpha Company. As I was about to board the heli, I was stopped by an officer standing at the doorway.

“It seems like we don’t have enough room, you can board the choppers over there. “

Eventually I found the heli and we took off.

Almost immediately, after arriving over the FER skies there was artillery fire everywhere and it
became difficult to dodge the constant barrage.

These shells landing all over the place combined with the blizzard made it difficult to see
anything. We did not notice that we were straying far off course as the massive anti-aircraft defenses attempted to rip our heli to a million pieces. After a few more minutes of flying, once of those cannons hit its mark, as the explosion occurred the chopper began to spin wildly out of control, as on the radio I heard pilot yell out,

“Alpha Four-One hit! Alpha Four-One hit!, She’s going down hard!”

LT Charles Howe, the radioman for the day, then promptly shouted, “Alpha
Four-One can you read me? Can you read me? Dispatching search and rescue team now!”

I was not going to just sit here and die; I already had my parachute on and ran towards the door.
Most of the others had already died from the initial explosion. With only seconds to spare, I opened
the door and jumped out. I then proceeded to pull the cord, opening the parachute and allowing me to slowly glide down. Below me I could see the helicopter, destroyed and with no survivors.

With a slight thump I hit the ground shortly afterwards. I had to meet up quickly with the
others. Using a map and compass, I discovered that Charlie Company should be close by. I began west towards where their position should be. A few Russians were nearby and heard the explosion. I pulled out my rifle, wielding it with skill, cutting down the three charging ruskies.

My rifle was working better than ever! “Tut-tut-tut-tut-tut” was all you heard as I pounded
them. Their blood soaked slowly into the perpetual icy cold blankets of snow. I walked away quickly,
leaving my rifle as it is a burden to me at that point to carry it. I trudged slowly through the wasteland, with an imaginary voice in my head saying, “Welcome to Russia.”

Up ahead, I saw what I could have sworn was a ruskie infantry element riding jeeps. I attempted
to hide in the nearby trees, using my training as part of the Training Corps to avoid detection. They
did not seem to be moving any time soon. I decided that waiting here might take forever, I may never
be found. I had no means of communicating with command, and it may take a long time before I find
Charlie Company. That jeep may be my only ticket to being rescued.

Taking out my crossbow I brought for such an occasion, I used what LT Morning Alice
and LT Hajime Hitoshi had taught me about the art of stealthy killing. Waiting for just the right
moment to strike, seconds seemed as if minutes while I sat there for the perfect chance. I finally found the time to engage, as I let out my bolt it flew through the air gracefully with its silent PHEWT!

Sound. I was able to take out the rear jeep without causing the others to notice. Quietly I went up to it, dragged its former driver out and sat down in the seat. The radio was busted on this one, but this would make it a lot easier to get back to the others. I drove, carefully, trying to avoid Russian when possible.

Then, everything went horribly wrong… Again…

I had been driving for all of ten minutes when I heard something coming from in front of me. Silently at first, later very loudly and distinctly. I listened closely as whatever makes the sounds
continued. It sounded just like… TANKS! As if a sign from somewhere to continue on, the radio sprung to life! This also was very bad since they could clearly hear it in all of its loud obnoxious glory, as LT Synesi was singing,

“Tonight, I ’ma fight till we see the sunlight... Tick-Tock...”

Man, Synesi you could not be singing at a worse time! The tanks lurched closer and closer with
each passing second. I was barely able to get the message out to HQ,

“Help! LT John892 here, I have survived the crash and need assistance at grid square Bravo 19, ridge 9 Foxtrot!”

I heard a reply soon after.

“Roger LT, this is LT SharkJuggler and MSG Comotose. We will send out birds to
help you out”

As the tanks slowly came into view in front of me through the white barrier, I drove as fast as I
could away. Faster than I thought this little jeep could even go.

I heard the eardrum-bursting BOOM of the tanks’ main guns. The shell landed very close by
and shrapnel hit me in my right arm. I fell to the ground with a loud thud. My last thought before I lost consciousness was a cry, a scream, a beg if you say, to TC, pleading for help which I knew would not come. As I lost more blood lying there on the ground, the last thing I could hear was the faint sound of helicopter blades whirring in the distance. Laying there, fighting to keep awake, I then passed out, barely able to process what was going on with shells and bombs landing all around. All I remember was the sounds of several rockets being fired and a siren call of what I thought was an angel. It was LT Morning Alice and CPT Killerballerina in their choppers, although I was not conscious enough to know who at the time.

The voice said, “Hold on John! We are coming! Stay with us! Stay with us!”

The world began to fade away from me, gently and peacefully, in this world of chaos.

Join the USTC and kill some Ruskies! Application.