From Russia with Love: Part Four

Day 1,022, 19:55 Published in USA USA by Synesi
Day 1,017 1600 Hours
Battlefields of FER/Western Alaska
Report Made by: 2nd Lt. Hajime Hitoshi, CO of the 123rd Platoon, USTC

“Paperwork, paperwork,and more paperwork... Will this job ever change?,” I thought as I was sitting behind my desk in the TC HQ. No matter how many tests I grade, the stack just won’t shrink. “Why did I even want to become an officer?” I saw myself charging through a battlefield, taking out enemies with my M240B machine gun. Storming beaches with my platoon, dropping in from a C-5 Galaxy behind enemy lines. But what I didn’t see was myself behind a desk from 0900 to 1800 hours every day, grading tests and filling out paperwork.

That is when the call came in :
“Attention! All Training Corps officers are to immediately report to room 45 of command building, section 5!”

“Section 5, Room 45? The War-Room? What is so important that all officers are being called at once?” I shrug my shoulders as I stand up and leave my class room. I am rushing to the War-Room as fast as a person can with over 2000 troops in the way. I make it to the room just in time to hear what Lieutenant General Morrigan Alexandros said we were going to do.

We were to invade Far Eastern Russia.

As soon as I heard this the little kid inside of me who dreamed of becoming a war hero came to life. I was told I was to be shipped out with Charlie Company, and that we are to go by heli from Alaska to Far Eastern Russia. The Lt. General gave us 15 minutes to prepare our gear for battle. She said it was going to be a true test of our mettle and dedication to the Corps. She was not lying.

Running back to my office, I gather up my gear, going through a checklist in my hea😛
M240B? Check.
M9 side-arm? Yes.
AN/PRC-152 radio? Check.
Food rations? Yep.
First Aid kit? Right here
Cold-weather gear?

“Where in the world is it?” I think as I search through all of my boxes. Low and behold it is in the box marked desert gear. Looking up at the clock I have 4 minutes to make it to the aircraft. Rushing out of my office I stop dead in my tracks. Looking over my shoulder I see my katana hanging on the wall, “Should I take it,” I wonder “I probably wouldn’t be able to use in in a fight?” I shrug my shoulders and walk back into my office to grab it, “Who knows,” I muse “it might save my life out there.”

Day 1,017 1800 Hours

Just my luck, as I was sitting in the heli on the way to the LZ in the Plains south of the capital of Far Eastern Russia, we come under AA (anti-aircraft) fire. Over the inter com we heard, “Guys this is going to be a rough one, them Ruskies don't want us here.” I know I have heard that voice from somewhere, but who was it? Just then it came back to me, Lt. Synesi. Who would let Synesi co-pilot a heli?

As I was lost in thought, Synesi came over the intercom , “We are 60 seconds from the LZ, everyone prepare to land. We will drop you 5 klicks south of the capital, guys make Ret. General Bia proud!” This is where it hit me that some of us, if not all of us, will not be coming home. “30 seconds from LZ, wait what is that? Use evasive maneuvers! Oh g....*pssh* the heli... *pssh* Jump! *pssh*”

I made sure my parachute was on secure as I rushed towards the side door, and I threw it open and jumped while praying, “Dio Brando just let me live, Don’t take my golden sand back yet.” After a few seconds of free-fall, I pulled my ripcord. I could see that only a few of us made it out of the chopper alive. How many husbands/wives were lost, how many kids lost a parent this night?

I landed alone at the edge of a forest, and all I knew was that I had to head north towards the capital. So I grab my M240B off of the snow. I look to see if I lost anything in the jump, my rucksack was closed and my katana was hanging off of my hip, so I checked my compass and headed north into the woods.

Trudging through the cold snow I remembered my TC training on notifying command of all incidents, so i pulled out my radio and tried to contact Command, “TC Command this is 2nd Lt. Hajime Hitoshi, our transport chopper came under AA attack about 6 klicks South of the capital. Please respond.” *Static* “Command this is Hajime Hitoshi, please respond.”*Static* “This is just F**king great, the radio is down. What next?” I muttered under my breath.

I had enough food to last me a few days, water wouldn’t be a problem with all of this snow but my only problem was ammo. I lost my crew member, Pvt. Cmdr. Ghost, who was carrying all of my extra rounds, so I am left with: 200 round of ammo for my machine gun, a few clips for my M9, and my katana. Things didn’t look good for me. Walking through the woods alone, I remembered what we teach troops in the TC , “Always pay attention to your surroundings, any unusual sound can be used to help keep you informed.”

While stopping to catch my bearings in the wood, there was a sound. *Snap* “Must of been a twig breaking in this wind,” I thought to myself. I hear *Snap*.......*Snap* *muffled cough* to my right. “OK, so it isn’t the wind, are they friendlies or are they Ruskies?” I drop to the ground and set my M240 up pointing in the direction of the sound.

And what did I see, a platoon of Russians walking in a clearing of the forest.

“Hehehe, eat lead you Ruskie rubots!!” I thought as I opened fire on the platoon. When the snow settled, I was out of people to shoot, but my gun was just a lump of metal now because I used all of my ammo. Taking the firing pin out of the gun, I head off north towards the capital, now 50 lbs lighter.

After god knows how long, my radio sprung to life, “Tonight, I ’ma fight till we see the sunlight... Tick-Tock...” , it is Lt. Synesi again, singing the battle cry of the 121st Platoon. I think back to my executive officership with him, drinking “kool-aid” in the coyotes barracks, listening to Ke$ha at the most random times. Then something I never expected happened, I got an emergency page.

“Help! LT John892 here, I have survived the crash and need assistance at grid square Bravo 19, ridge 9 Foxtrot!”

Hy heart dropped, John892 was fighting for his life. My mind instantly flashes back into a memory,

Trainee John892 is sitting in the 121st Platoons classroom after I had dismissed the class. I reminded him that he was free to go, but he said “Sir, why did you want to become an officer?” Why did I want to become an officer? I though for a second and said, “I wanted to help trainees, like yourself, to become the next generation of unstoppable soldiers.” John looked amazed and said to me with a spark in his eye, “So do I Sir, so do I.”

From that moment on an unbreakable tie had been formed between us, and I was sure I would not let him die. Bravo 19, ridge 9 Foxtrot was only half a klick from my location, so I headed off in that direction, praying that he will make it through. It seems my prayers were answered.

“Roger LT, this is LT SharkJuggler and MSG Comotose. We will send out birds to help you out”

I made it to Lt. John892’s location just in time to see the TC chopper corps destroy the Ruskie tank. I noticed the marking of the Ninja platoon on the choppers, so I knew that LT Morning Alice and CPT Killerballerina were here to save John’s life. I saw them lower the chopper in a clearing, and Killerballerina and a few members of the crew, rushing with a EVAC stretcher to aid John. I radioed Morning Alice and told her I will provide some cover for their take-off.

Morning Alice radioed, “Hajime we are taking off, watch your head and cover our backs, we will radio for an EVAC chopper, just try and hang on.”

Just as the chopper was accending past the treeline, a squad of Ruskie soldier came down from the tree line. Two of them pulled out RPG-7s and took aim at the chopper.

So without thinking I pulled out my M9 pistol and unloaded lead in their direction. I was able to distract the RPG-7 men long enough for the chopper to get away, but I used all of my ammo trying to provide cover. I bowed my head to my enemies, drew my trusty katana from my hip and with the force of a samurai warrior I yelled at the top of my lungs, “For the eUnited States, Bonzai! and charged the soldiers, slicing anything that moved with my katana. I saw heads sliding off from their necks in a shower of blood. I could feel the enemies’ bullets pierce my flesh put I could not feel the pain. I saw the terror in the eyes of the fresh Russian privates, as I sliced their stomachs open. My katana seemed to have a mind of its own.

In the end, I was able to kill 7 of the 8 soldiers. As i was charging towards last soldier, he was able to shoot me in the chest.

I sank to my knees, my blood dripping off of the katana, mixing with the blood of my enemies.

A smile drew across my face as the white light I saw enveloped me in a warm embrace. The sounds of the choppers were fading away as I fell face first into the snow. In the distance I swore I could hear CPT Ethan Deluca radio, “Hajime, we are sending you some re-enforcements. They are 30 seconds away. Please try and hang on........Respond Hajime, for the love of spinach Please respond.”

Day 1,021

I awoke in the TC Hospital, unable to process what happened to me. My chest and arm were bandaged and my katana was propped up by the window, a purple heart was attached to the sheath of it. I smiled as I looked out at the window at the sunset, thinking “I am a true war hero.” I have made my dream come true. Now I was sure I knew why I wanted to be an officer, it was because I wanted to teach the trainees what it means to dedicate your life to the protection of others.

Join the TC, and be a War Hero. Application.