Filigree Pavements - We have the opportunity, we have the power ...

Day 1,253, 04:59 Published in USA Bosnia and Herzegovina by ClioPilot

Dear fellow citizens,

For the first time I'm writing on english. For the beginning, please forgive me for grammatical errors.
I decided to write because of the situation in eWorld. eUSA is under eSpanish, eMexican attack, and soon will be under eSerbian attack.

In the last 12 hours...

EDEN/TERRA hit hard ONE allience.

- eBosnia and eCroatia won RW in Bosnian orginal region, RW against eSerbia
- eBulgaria won RW against eSerbia
- eRussia won RW against eSerbia
- eChina won battle against eSerbia
- eBrazil has won a victory against eSouth Africa
- eUSA won battle in against eMexico
- eRomania won battles against eHungary

EDEN and TERRA must fight against ONE, against occupation of eUS territories.
If you look TOP NEWS in eUSA, you will always see DoD orders. Civilians must follow the commands as well as soldiers. Region swap with eCanada would be much esier if civilan follow DoD orders. My opinion is that there must be far more articles that explain the current military situation!!!
Civilians always fight for eUSA, but sometimes that's not so great 😉

Serbian President Fib, and his government have lost the trust of its citizens. Suicide mission is the conquest of Texas's final attempt to remain DSS (ruling party) in power. If we prevent eSerbia in its attempt to conquer Texas and other U.S. regions, eSerbia could finally rejected his extremely aggressive policy. A balance of power in the eWorld be changed in favor of America and its allies.

We have the opportunity, we have the power ...