FGH (Foundation for Great Hungary) and facts about the loss of Slovenia

Day 773, 07:22 Published in Hungary United Arab Emirates by Oleg the Great
(big thx for the translation to analist!)

Dear eSlovenian Citizens!

This is a translation of article I wrote to the eHungarian citizens regarding the issue whether eHungary let down eSlovenia or not. Many of my fellow citizen suggested that I shouldn’t release this article in eSlovenian media, but I feel obliged to address this issue.
In the first sentence of the article I say thanks to the Foundation of Great Hungary. The creators and operators of the Foundation collected money in the last 4 month for one reason: to finance the occupation of the Crisana, Transilvania, Maramures and Banat. These regions was part of Hungary a few decades ago, and IRL a significant number of Hungarian minority still lives there.
Please understand, we couldn’t use this money to help you in Prekmurje.
This article wasn’t written to convince you about our intentions, its goal was to inform the eHungarian citizens about our motivations, because many eHungarian thinks we failed you.
I hope you will understand our motivation, and you don’t feel that way. And finally I promise you, we will help you to liberate your country.


I would like to ask everyone to say thanks to the creators and operators of the Foundation of the Great Hungary.
This goes to every contributors of the Foundation, too: THANK YOU.
Without them, todays victory in Transilvania would not be possible! Using the monetary and military help of the Foundation, we could seize this symbolic region.


About Slovenia:

I would like to argue the articles regarding this issue. We didn't let down Slovenia.
- http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/1246 click the Details button. This page shows the data of the last battle. We inflicted the most damage in this battle!
- PHOENIX is not the PEACE: The POENIX is an offensive alliance, and its members knows the risks. The PEACE goal was to defend all of its small and weak members. The PHOENIX was created the wage offensive wars without jump through hoops. Slovenia joined the alliance, therefore he acknowledged the risks.
- The reason behind the loss of Slovenia isn't the lack of help from Hungary. The Slovenian president didn't attack Croatia on the day of the attack against Cristiana while he knew about the plans two day before the campaign. (He knew more than 99,9% of the Hungarians)
- We had no moral obligation in Slovenia, we didn't asked them to attack Croatia at the first place, the Serbians persuaded them. Of course this doesn't means that we denied our help. It means, we didn't asked them earlier to block Croatia. We only asked them to to block Croatia this once, but they never came through.
- A few questions: why they didn't started an RW on their occupied regions, to ease the Croatian pressure? Facts: only we started RW-s in Croatia, in the USA and in Poland using Hungarian military budget.
- In the last two hours of the battle of Prekmurje we directed our civil populations damage to here, but the croatians picked up the pace
- We gave money and weapons to the Serbian Army
- Croatia was well prepared for this battle, they were instructed to fight kamikaze, they would tank any amount of money. Lot of Croatian were online, it seemed that the victory was not possible. We were afraid that if we would start to tank there (not that we had that kind of money in the bank), the the Croatians would start to tank, and maybe the Romanians will start to fight there, too. The gold we used to tank in Transilvania was provided by the Foundation of Great Hungary, we could use this money only to fight against Romania. We afraid that we would spend 200-300k damage in the battle in Slovenia, we would lose the battle in Transilvania, too, and we would have two EPIC FAIL (I don't really like this expression, but if would fit this situation perfectly) in our hands. All in all, we evaluated the military sitation, we saw that the Croatians was prepared, and we didn't wanted to lose everything, so we temporarily lost Slovenia.
No one can say that we betrayed Slovenia, becouse we spent precious damage and money to defend them, and if the Serbians and the Russians were able to hold the wall near the secure state, we would have sent the regular army there. (UPDATE: we sent a few company there) There was a pending order to do this, but only if we had a chance to win.
But there wasn't.

Please consider these facts when you think about what happend in Slovenia. I'm sure when we have the chance, we will liberate Slovenia. Everyone should know, it is not possible to hold an occupied region for a long time. And if someone grieves over the lost hospitals and defensed systems: the companies all over the eWorld are full of them, we have a few in the inventory, too. I'm sure will give them one of each for free, when we will free first region.

Kampec, ex-President and MoD of Hungary
translated to english by analist