eSouth Africa > Your own Interests

Day 1,925, 10:44 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine
Get it Right
See the title of this article eSouth Africans?

It is supposed to be like that, the needs of the country over the desires of yourself, Not Vice-Versa. You'd think in a country of this small scale there would be more common sense about the issues, but course not. Sure I could easily come up with a list of people whose own interests are put first, even a list of people who pretend they are community first, but damn if they don't make sure they get what they want every month, be that power or profit.

So PTO or No PTO group, the bickering is pathetic, the shady business is pathetic, and pending rage comments about this article is pathetic.

Will work for Wine.
I am currently eUnemployed, seeking minor political job, will work as Segment title suggests for Wine or you know for Free, but Wine would be most appreciated.

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Find my ranting style humorous, than you will love Rise:

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