Day 525, 11:36 Published in Romania Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers,

Few weeks ago I proposed myself to write another kind of articles in which to share, to praise or to condemn inadequate practices of some nations or players and some good or bad things in erepublik. In achieving this task I have decided to give up of extremist kind of articles I wrote while ago, knowing that besides votes these don't bring anything good in EL or in RL, but hate, disgrace and discontent.

So, here I am again sharing few of my thoughts with you, my dear colleagues in erepublik. Yes, you heard me well - no mater what nation do you belong or what languages you are speaking, I think about you as my colleagues and I'll consider this game as a chess table. Why chess?

Because it is a game where any player at the beginning has exactly the same chances as the other. The differences between those two are only experience, intelligence and attitude. And like any other game this also has winners and losers and exactly like in RL or in any other game, final tasks(real or unreal) are meant to be fulfill entirely just by one side.

Erepublik has an advantage against other kind of games cause in here all will be over, when most of the players will quit playing it. Until then, we can behave just like at an workplace we attend just for the money involved(no pleasure involved or interaction), by clicking twice a day and gather points, golds and medals or we can interact each others and gather friends, votes, opinions, ideas and to be like real colleagues.

Some of us will understand me wrong when I speak about us as colleagues and as they usually do in RL, when the first mistake occurs, they will reported to admins. In this manner they made desperate maneuvers to increase their chances to get more resources in the game. And just like in the chess game, chees doesn't mean checkmate and things eventually turn over(NOT TAKE OVER).

Erepublik like chess table now has two predominant colors: purple and blue and these two colors are divided between eromanians, eindonesians, enorwegians, eamericans, ehungarians, eitalians, mainly between ATLANTIS and PEACE alliances.(I ask forgiveness from nations I didn't mention here but there are too many). The game is about to reach its culminate point which is by far the most interesting moment in Erepublik after WSR and Sardinia's war if not THE MOST EVER.
All nations already took their places on the map. They have chosen while ago on which side they will be when the biggest battle of eWorld will commence. Unlike RL, if a player disagrees with his leader's choices, can remain neutral or join the other side without being executed.

So, as I told you, all important chessman are on the table, already in position, standing by for what might become the greatest chess game in history.
The game is very balanced because even both sides lost few pawns by now that doesn't mean much - queens, knights and rooks are still here. And not to mention that bishops(madmen) are everywhere in Erep. They are split equally between the two sides.
Speaking about the advantages for every side in the play, these are proportional.

Purple side now occupies a big part of the table which is eAsia. Their players are many, strong and well organized. They are very determined and are pretty confident that the victory can't be taken by the opposite side and this is a great disadvantage for them. As an alliance they are extremely offensive but they proved to be a bit slowly when is about to act all nations at once.

On the other hand, Blue side was defensive lately and lost few important spaces on the chess table. They are more unite and act quickly when they are threatened and have also many and strong players. Their heads or I may say kings and queens were not very good students when it came about tactics but now they seem pretty active and much wiser than at the beginning. They lost great amounts of money but I presuppose they still own much of it.
They proved to be magnificent takeovers and through this kind of tactics improved their treasuries a lot. This tactic was just like a pawn reached in last line of the opponent.

As far as I am concern, this amazing battle is possible to have a surprising outcome on Erepublik population growth. The losers might leave this game for good or might bring new players to help them recover. The winners will need many resources to keep their enemies away and that means new players. A lots of them.

Indeed, unlike chess game, cheaters are here and do things in their way. Because the players don't own the chess table, admin might take it whenever they want and split it through takeovers(this is their favorite scheme)to those who are better cheaters. But this is not a problem. All of us, the players can press Logout and return again the next day when maybe some cheaters have been banned.

Chess is tough sometimes and some plays takes even years. Many of us already know this. It is important to play this game, not just to know the rules. You can know everything about chess and still to lose badly.

That is why, all of us must play it, not click it. It is quite interesting. When we play chess or other games in RL, we enjoy it. Let's do the same in here.Maybe in RL we are neighbors or colleagues without knowing it and have fun together. Let's have fun together in here also my friends. Enjoy!

Yours sincerely,

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