erepublik-as-an-imperialistic-racing-gam e

Day 3,880, 07:45 Published in United Kingdom South Africa by cirujanoo

My dear friends and
eRepublik managers who always tell us that they will serve and develop for eRepublik players
we support eRepublik as much as we can.
we have tried to lose our hopes stubbornly from this game by taking our package to the extent of our power and even some of us above our power.
But I see that there are still deficiencies in the vote.
Since there are still structural deficiencies in the political management of the country,
elections in the country continue to be a habit of choosing the king and alternative kingdoms rather than political ideas.
as some countries are still occupied by imperialist countries and all regions are occupied, they can not even elect MPs in political elections.
If you could not touch a territory of the territory of the country, this game would be more livable, because imperialist countries would be able to play the game without adding territory to their territory and leaving no dirhem piece of land in their exploited countries
has become an imperialism race game, not a republik.
I warn e-republik on this subject.