Day 767, 12:55 Published in Norway Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my friends,

After more than 10 months, I've decided to came back in my ecountry that I've left it after a successful TO made by eHungarians. As a matter of fact, if anyone was curious and read my newspaper, back then I alerted everyone about that possibility but unfortunately, I did not manage to gather enough players to prevent that outcome.

Although the president of that time did some mistakes and decided to swap WSR to eRomania, to support one of our greatest allies, he comitted the biggest mistake in eNorway's history that ultimately have brought upon us the greatest darkened period in our eExistance. As most of the players that chose to work in land after the occurence of V1, I was forced to move in countries that had at least one high level region, especially in iron that afforded to pay the highest wages for high skillers in raw materials.

Don't get me wrong:I wasn't the only one that I left, many of us left and I mention here: Salve, Anders., Kir, Glost, Pusur93, Mongis, The Fallen, KristofferAG, and many others. The ones that remained, have decided to remove english language from ecountry's politics and to rule eNorway after a conservative programe in which to remove all the strangers in it. On the sort term, that looked exactly what eNorway needed but on the long term chased away the single chance that might assure eNorway a future.

Anyway, after more than 8 months, Reboot was elected as president and managed to make eNorway known in eR again. But all lasted only one and half month. After I've been away so long, I've decided to return and even if I was a TT member for as long as I knew myself ,I tried someting else and enrole in Nytt Demokrati from whom I ran for a congress place.

The reasons I gave up of TT are simple: I did not have tha chance to participate at elections because of new players involved and I thought that the greatest party of eNorway must face a strong opposition in order to perform. In TT are some of my best friends but they need to change their thoughts regarding strangers. eNorway must change its habits and accept strangers in order to grow, economicaly and military.

We need to change our perspectives in order to resist as an independent country. We strongly need to re-think our strategies. That is why, right now I tried something else. I care about eNorway and I think we can make it great again. Not an empire, but a strong and independent country in which anyone's oppinion to counts. I am a democrat and I don't agree with damaging conservatorism proposed by my formal party. I love eNorway and I want to live here again.

An example that chase away players; my skill in land is 11.8- probably one of the highest in eR. I've negotiate to Society of Norse and they promised me a wage of 60 NoK instead of 40 Nok for 7th skill. I was agree and hired at them, and I've woked 3 days for 40 NOK and no change although my productivity is twice as a 7th skilled worker.I did not want to punish them in any way but this kind of behaviours chase away players that realy might count.

It is time to change some things and I invite you everyone that want a change to join Nytt Demokrati party. Together we can change history! It is a matter of will!

Please vote all my friends for a free and strong e Norway!

Your friend , CROCKY