Emperor Rick - Victory and Defeat - Arizona

Day 676, 01:27 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

At about 7-8PM Pacific Time Zone (the last time i checked the votes), I was behind by 5 votes.
I had been down by 5 throughout the entire day. I literally had given up hope of winning congress.. I turned off the computer and went out with a few friends to see the movie 9 in the IRL world. I expected defeat and planned to write a congratulations paper by tomorrow morning at the earliest.

When I got home by 1AM, i felt good, so i decided to turn on the computer to see by what margin my defeat was.

You have won the Congress elections and you have become a congress member. An amount of 5 Gold was added to your account as a reward for your achievement.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought perhaps the CvP had amassed a last second attempt to gain a few senators out of the clutches of defeat. I was going to thank my supporters and jfbranson for suspending his campaign to endorse me. I was going to thank my running mates Rheinlander von Phalz for being such a tough opponent. 12monkeys and FDR for being civil and respectable candidates. Then I saw the votes...

I had lost the election by 4 votes. Yet here I am in congress.

After some research... everyone who ran for congress won....


Soon, my excitement fell into disappointment. Yeah I'm grateful to be in... but... This was not the way I wanted to get in. This feels cheap... This should be Rheinlander's moment of glory.

I would like to see everyone who did not win legitimately resign (thats not going to happen)
Hopefully admin will step in and correct this massive error. As I can only imagine how 167 congressmen are going to do in the government...