Emperor Rick for Congress - Arizona

Day 696, 16:10 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick
Emperor Rick would like to apply for Congress in Arizona
Why should you vote for E. R. though?

Commitment to free North America
The war in North America has dragged to a stalemate, as it appears the US cannot win 1 on 1 fight with the Hun, we must not give up. To win, we must employ strategy and invoke help from our allies with simultaneous attacks from Canada and the US. We need foreign fighters deployed inside the US, We need proper funding to all our military branches, and to paramilitary groups that are not part of the traditional military. (such as the Sons of Liberty and etc.)

Commitment to free occupied nations from PEACE
We are in great debt to North Korea, they greatly helped us out when the Russians invaded our continent. For their brave actions they have suffered harsh occupation by the hands of PEACE, So we must do everything we can do liberate them. Other nations such as China, South Korea, India, and Australia are also in need of help. If we are ever to remove Anti-Americanism we must not forge an Empire but rather establish hope to those in need.

Dialog with Russia
Yes Russia is a committed enemy to the USA, and our relations are perhaps irreclaimable. But we are not Russia's top threat, Hungary and Indonesia continue to occupy territory inside Russia's original territory. They had originally agreed that once Russia's population had reached 3k the territory would be ceded back to Russia. Their current population has far surpassed that now though. Hungary will only give up Russia's territory if the Russians pay for it. (great allies right?) and Indonesia will not give up Siberia period because they need the resources for themselves. I endorse and strongly encourage our administration to have Russia's ear nearby. We need them to understand the USA is not their enemy, and that they have bigger fish to fry.

Update: With North Korea's new found independence, PEACE has demanded that Russia declare war and eliminate the New Korean Republic. However the Russian president has refused citing how expensive the operation would be and for the fact PEACE has refused to return Russia's territory. Russia's congress attempted to impeach the leader but failed to gain a majority. The reason for the failure is West Siberia, Russians are now starting to wake up from PEACE, and soon they will need a new set of allies to combat Indonesia and Hungary. This is why dialog is so important.

I am very happy to see California with a Q5 Hospital and Q5 Defense. This was something I was asking for months and Congress failed to act, it took a private citizen to accomplish this. Our next step now should provide Defense pads in strategic areas. Such as any region with High Quality resources (for economic reasons). That would mean Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, North South Dakota, and Montana. Then we need them in Geographical areas of importance like Alaska once we get it back. Now a few will say that is far too many states, and would be too expensive and I agree. This is not something we should do all at once but when we have the money to do it. This is a campaign that will take months to complete but it should be on our list of things to do if we are to provide proper defenses encase we are ever invaded again. The US needs proper fall back positions encase Florida and/or California falls again.

As for Hospitals all we need are two Q5's and nothing more or less. However we should have atleast 1 more encase of emergencies. A Q5 not placed anywhere but held in storage to replace Florida/California as soon as they fall to the enemy. The new hospital would then be placed on one of our remaining Q5 D pads that has been placed over a high resource state. Thus, this is why it is important to place our Q5D pads now rather when we're fighting for survival.

Commitment to more War games and Health
Wargames keeps our health high, they bring experience to our citizens, it's good for our economy, etc etc.

Commitment to gather more funds to the military and paramilitary / resistance groups.
Our defense, and our capability to defend our allies around the world depends on the amount of funding our military receives. It's because of this I support keeping our taxes at a constant rate of where they are now. But I believe it's not enough to supply just the traditional military, we should look towards the various paramilitary and resistance groups in our country. Until now most of these groups are funded by private donations and carefully managed businesses. There is no reason why the government can't hand out supplies to these entities. Once elected into congress I would begin the process to properly fund groups like SEAL Team 6 and others. If we're ever to maximize our effectiveness as a world power we need to think outside the box. Outside contemplory strategies and without bureaucracy. SEAL Team 6 has proven its worth just recently, there is no reason they can't be assisted.


So vote Emperor Rick in Arizona in Congress

Endorsed by Desert Falcon CvP Party President
Endorsed by Blake Chrysostom UIP Party President
Endorsed by Kazael, three-time Arizona - and one term Colorado Congressman of the UIP,
Endorsed by Sir Valaro Volcrum, two-time Arizona Congressmen of the CvP, Former Party President of the Republican Party" and current member of Israel's government
