Elections, COME AT ME BRO and all that

Day 1,182, 21:10 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Required listening.

Greetings, Singapore
I am ChewChewShoe, one of the two candidates for the Party Presidency of the Singapore Republican Party.

Well, this is the part where I should tell you what I'd do different if I won.. But really there wouldn't be much different, because the game mechanics doesn't allow it.
Technically all I could do is press a button supporting a president.. So I'd do that.
And I'd message people telling them to join the army and lick dirt off the roads and stuffs..
And I have been loads of cool stuff.. Like Vice President and Chief of Staff and stuff like that..
But hey let's not care about that part.

Instead, let's focus on why you shouldn't vote for my opposition.

Now let's start out with some facts:
Saneth haven't got loads of cool titles like I do
Saneth cannot into internet
Saneth is Scottish
Saneth a communist darn it!

Now we all know communists are truly evil people only searching glory for the motherland, they're all programmed to screw normal people over and they use the bullshit argument of equality to get people to listen..

Now should you not know why communists are bad I suggest you briefly take a look at this newspaper, it contains loads of good guides etc:

Communism is a very sneaky virus, it is said it was first developed by Karl Marx, the German super-programmer, and written in some weird programming language called Cyrillic.
The first known usage of the virus was when Lenin was surfing around on the interwebs and downloaded tons of porn, which contained this horrible virus. The virus spread all throughout Russia, and created Soviet Russia.
Soviet Russia, being infected by the virus, tried to expand the virus, conquering all.
Everyone living within the area of effect of the virus are now black Jewish miners who cannot eat, are all starving and only drink vodka all the time. Now you wouldn't want this to happen, would you?
So I suggest you all stop sitting about reading my bullcrap and get voting!
Cause this is a matter of national security!

We already have a socialist as a president.. Do we really need a communist as a party president?
No! We do not! Fight back, Singapore! Fight back, to preserve our glorious conservative nation. Fight back the Soviets, and keep your pride prioritized!

And so, Saneth, I've only got one thing to say to you!

Long Live Singapore!

Oh also here's a list of all the stuff I've done:
Lord of Mayhem
Queen Mother of the United Kingdom
Deputy Führer of Frerkland
Queen of Malaysia
Royal Prince of Malaysia
Holy Dioist Lieutenant Colonel
Self-Appointed King of Easter Island
Self-Appointed King of Christmas Island
God of Singapore
Duke of Yorkshire
Duke of Singapore
Duke of Sabah
Lord of Greater Leeds
Lord of Singapore
Prime Rib of Malaysia
Former Minister of Glory of the United Kingdom
Former Minister of Glory, Austria
Former Vice President of Singapore
Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore
Former Minister of Glory of Singapore
Former Minister of Lulz of Singapore
Former Minister of Immigration of Singapore
Former General Secretary of the Security Council of Singapore
Founder of the Security Council of Singapore
Former Minister of Propaganda of Singapore
Former Chief of Staff of Singapore
Former Representative to Phoenix of Singapore
Former Representative to Sol of Singapore
Former Representative to ONE of the United Kingdom
Former Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Sweden, Austria, Spain and Germany of Singapore
Former Ambassador to the Reptiles, Montenegro, India, Bulgaria and China of the United Kingdom
Former Appointee of the Lulz and Gifting Department of the United Kingdom
Former Appointee of the Messaging Department of the United Kingdom
Former Three-Terms Congress member of Singapore
Former Party President of the Fascist Party, United Kingdom
Former Party President of the Fascist Progression Party, Singapore
Former Party President of the Singaporean National Front
Former Party President of the United Kingdom Terrorist Party
Former Vice Party President of the United Kingdom Terrorist Party
Former Director of Entertainment of the Untied States Workers Party
Former Appointee of the Messaging Department of the United Kingdom Reform Party
Former Party Secretary of the United Kingdom Terrorist Party
Former General of the Belgium Armed Forces
Former Colonel of the British Army Reserves
Former Sergeant of the British Special Air Service
Former Private of the British Special Forces
Former Colonel of the British Home Guard
Former Executive officer of Platoon Three, "The White Fang", Singapore
Former Head Deployment Officer of Singapore
Former Captain of the Second Regiment of the international Peace Corps
Former Sergeant of the second platoon of the international alliance "PACMAN" under the military section "Pacmen"
Former Private in the Singaporean special force "Torchwood"
Former Private in the Singaporean special force "M"
Former Marshal of the "Nation's Front" international militia
Former Private in the British Army
Former Private in the Worker's Militia
Former Jerk Constantly Annoying Iain Keers
Former Vice President of the International Anti-Communist Group
Former Co-Founder of the International Anti-Communist Group