Election Day

Day 1,587, 03:02 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Dear voters,

Today in our elections we have one region and many candidates for Congress, more good ones than we have seats. Every one of those 10 seats is important, because each Congress member will effectively have 3 times the power he or she would have in a normal month. In order to keep our country as safe as possible, we ask you to please refer to the voting sheet linked in the recent PM from Jofroi, and vote for any candidate who is marked in green and is low on the list. We will be working to keep this sheet updated regularly and to inform as many people as possible through shouts as the situation develops. We ask you to vote as late in the day as you can to use your votes wisely. Remember that you must be in Wallonia in order to vote.

Please also read and follow the MoD orders of the day. It is essential that we keep Wallonia free until at least 6:00 a.m. game time on day 1588, or we will have no Congress at all. By following these orders and checking your MU shout boxes for updates, you will be able to make this happen. We must use all resources carefully to focus damage where and when it is needed.

Fight and vote for a free eBelgium. Do it for me! Orange is really not my color.