Disappointment and a Look toward the Future

Day 1,963, 17:16 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Disappointment Haunts all my Dreams
Pending the impossible todays election will result in a last place finish. Now I could come up with a whole list of reasons why this disappoints me, but it is just not worth it, so I'll stick with the simplest that the campaign efforts turn out to be in vain.
Friendly Warning
No matter what I decide, it became apparent over the last week the following things desperately need to be corrected in South Africa.

Leon is unstable, in reaction to a message sent to him by someone not named me, he flipped out on me. The Government has focused on one party and one group, and allowed a bigger threat in Leon and his friends to build. This is an unacceptable outcome. Because in Leons rage he has moved to threaten the security of the South African Gold Party [formerly Rise], by having his "friend" Cruel Destiny position himself to run for Party President. The fact that this started on the day Leon flipped out is all the proof you need he's a threat.

So Government, do the right thing, you either treat all "threats" the same, or you don't single anyone out, in short Man Up.
My Future: In Options

#1:Stay in South Africa and continue my work with RISE/South African Gold Party:

This is the simplest option, but also might go against my own personal morals. It has become clear that I am not really welcome here, as Grimstone himself suggested I should leave last night. Leon and his posey don't want me around. Add in some prejudice folk has brought me to not feeling welcomed, and I'm just sane enough to know not to stay where I am not wanted.
#2: Go to My MoJo!

I am a Boy who Loves a good Revolution, and it would be nice to be nice to actually check out the ARP first hand, since I've spent months supporting it from afar. And any time I get to be in the same eNation with my Molls is fun, we've been apart far to long. Also Australia is one of the NaN members so I'd be in the same alliance.
#3:Retired Early, Return Home, eDie the Revolutionary I've always been where I started it.

This one is most likely the last stop future, going home to the party I started nearly 2 years ago in the eUS on day 1300. The Brand I build and marketed like a mad man. My loyalist long time readers know what I'm talking about on this notion.
#4:Try something completely new.

Cuz I can 😃

Possible Destinations:
Fictional Nation inside my Head.

"There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were and ask why not." ~Robert Francis Kennedy~