Desertfalcon for RFC Party President

Day 323, 12:00 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

It is that time again and if you are in the RFC you are probably wondering who you should vote for in the upcoming party elections. If you are then you clicked the right article to read because this article may just help you decide who you want to represent our party.

From the start of my six month erepublik life I have been involved in politics and the workings of the country. I have been a mayor, a congressmen, the secretary of state, and general of the marines just to name a few. I have never taken a break and I don't plan on having anything pop up that would keep me from doing what I have been doing the past six months. There have been times when I have skipped going into the IRC but I have always made sure to respond to my messages and take care of my business daily. If you want someone who is experienced and will get the job done then vote for me.

Not only would you have a sound mind knowing that I was doing my job you would also be well informed about what I am doing and what is going on in the world. I did not get one of the most read newspapers in the world by writing about relevant stuff that does not affect the erepublik citizen. I put a lot of time into my newspaper and I have even written a whole series going into detail of every war in Erepublik. If you want someone who you can be sure will work hard to keep you informed then vote for me.

I have been the secretary of state through the situation with Mexico and Spain and then again when the goons tried to take over. I worked with people in Mexico and in the rest of the world to block the annexation and I handled all the public relations stuff that needed to be done with the goons. I also was the one who suggested the Portuguese take Campeche to block off the Spanish invasion, which is what happened and because of that Mexico was able to stay independent,. If you want someone who can handle pressure, make tough decisions, and make the right call on those tough decisions then vote for me.

One of the many challenges facing our party is that we are falling behind the USWP and the libertarians. Our numbers have remained stagnant the past few months and to me that is the result of poor leadership and a lack of determination to better the party. It is not like there were no people to recruit to the party in fact Uncle Sam just recently was able to recruit over 100 people to his party in a little over ten days. The RFC under it's past leadership has only increased the numbers by 20 and that leaves us only 30 people away from being the 5th largest party and 353 away from being the largest. I understand the importance of gaining new members and I will organize recruitment drives and spend my time to write articles and press releases in order to bring our party back to its past glory. TGM has proposed a change in the name of the party that he says will attract more members but in reality it has only caused division within the party. If you want someone who has a plan to gain members and votes in the next election and who will keep the party united then vote for me.

Our challenge however, does not just stop after we increase our numbers. Sure it would be nice to have an influx of members but what use are they if they do not contribute to the party. An active party with 300 members can beat an inactive party with 500. Seeing as right now we are neither very active or large we need to work on both of those things. My plan for increasing activity includes adding a party convention each month where every member would be invited to come onto the IRC and share their opinions on how to better the party regardless of their position in the party they will have their voice heard. I first suggested this awhile back and a month after that the USWP held their first convention. The USWP went on to become the most active party after that however TGM and Ron Paul never bothered to do anything like that and activity has since faded. If you want someone who will give a voice to every party member and help the new ones get their feet wet in the political realm then vote for me.

So fellow RFC members soon you will have to make a choice, do you really want change or do you want the RFC to continue down the path it has been taking since the end of Dish's term. Our party can make a turn for a better, with the proper leadership and a determined group of members we can join the ranks of the libertarians and USWP as dominate parties. So for those of you who are still unsure about what you want in a leader I will just leave you with this. If you want someone who is experienced, practical, determined, wants to give you a voice, will work for the good for the good of the party and will lead this party back to the top then vote for me.

~ Desertfalcon
RFC party presidential candidate, October