Desertfalcon For President, November 08

Day 345, 19:58 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Today I bring exciting news for the RFC party as I hereby announce my candidacy for president of the United States of America. The RFC has long been on the outside looking in when it came to the presidential race. I feel that are party has taken some great strides and that even though we have not increased in numbers as much as I had hoped we are more organized and active then we were when I cam into office. I know that I am entering this race as the underdog but my fellow RFC members now is the time to show that we are not a irrelevant party when it comes to the presidential elections and this November we will show it. Some say you can never know victory until you have tasted defeat. Although the odds are against me I see this election as a win-win for the RFC. Even if we do end up losing we will bring attention and respect to our party and we will only gain experience for the next election.

If I were elected I hope to mirror the success we have had in the RFC with the nation. I would be sure to surround myself with a strong cabinet and I would make reorganizing the government a top priority. After the switch to V1 many experienced and active citizens left the game including our old president Roby Petric. I have been around for a long time and I know most of the active people in the game, I know their strengths I know their weaknesses. I would make sure to put together an active cabinet which allowed everyone to work to their strengths.

My second priority would be to help the economy recover. I know that the current situation is not the greatest but hopefully once we get more skilled laborers in the raw material field things will start to balance out and return to normal. I support limited government intervention in the economy however when we enter a time of crisis like we have I believe that the government should step in. I see the economy as a weight lifter and the government as the spotter. If the spotter helps to lift too much of the weight the weight lifter becomes weak but the more the weight lifter lifts on his own the stronger he gets. However if the weight lifter starts to struggle the spotter better help out to prevent serious injury. I will go deeper into my economic plan in the next article.

My third priority would be to strengthen our military. Long have I watched the U.S. military try to organize its self and each time it gets nowhere. Every new head of the military says this will be different just like Chicago Cubs fans say every season and yet after a month the system seems to fall apart. We had a good system under Buzzy but once buzzy left the system disintegrated once again.

From what I have observed as both a reporter and a general is that the military is too big to monitor. Now the problem with that is more complex then it sounds. Sure you can appoint more squad leaders but just the squad leaders alone can be difficult to monitor. My solution to this would be to have the military reduce the number of squads and too increase the number of people per squad. This would solve the problem of squad leaders going inactive since there would be less squad leaders and thus make them easier to manage. Yes the squad leaders would have more to deal with but it gives them more reason to be active. Another change I would make to the military would be to completely overhaul the old pay scale.

The problem with the current payment system is that it does not often get sent out. The reason for this is like I said earlier, the military is too big to manage. I would have squad leaders give out a grade on each of their troops. If the solider were to train every day he would get an A and then he would be given his full pay plus a bonus if he were to train every day except for one or two days he would get a B and he would receive full pay. If the solider trained 4 days a week he would be given a C and get 2/3 his normal pay. If he trains 3 days he would get a D and half his pay and if he trains 2 days or less he will get an F and will receive no pay. Two Fs in a row would result in the solider being listed as AWOL.

This new system would make it easier for payments to get out since it would root out the inactive people in the party and thus bring in more. Squad leaders would have to spend more time evaluating how much everyone trained however they will be not restricted from having assistants as long as they stayed active in the military.

Over the next few days I will release my platform and a more detailed stance on the economy, the military, and foreign affairs. I also plan to announce my running mate tomorrow which has been a tough decision seeing as there are so many qualified candidates. This will be a hard fought election and I hope that I have your support when you go out to vote this November.

U.S. Presidential candidate
November, 08