Desertfalcon/Emerick November 08 Election Day Update

Day 351, 15:17 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Today is the day. The first V1 elections are now taking place and are about half way through. As of right now I have about 10% of the vote and I am in third so I don't have much a chance of winning the election. However when people look back on the first elections of erepublik I want our party to stand out as one that has a history of being a player in the presidential elections therefor I will not drop out of the race even though I will not win. Nevertheless I will have an active role in the president's cabinet and will still play a key role in the country no matter who is elected.

Currently I project that Benn Dover will win the election by a healthy margin. He has had a lead for all of today and it is only growing. He has now widened the gap between him and 2nd to 110 voters while raking in about 50% of all the votes. I expect that we see 800-900 voters today so he is nearing the point where a peregrine comeback would be just about mathematically impossible.

Still despite me only have 65 votes right now and being far out of the picture I urge everyone who has not yet voted to vote for me today. My goal is to hit 100 voters which would require 350 more voters today if the trend continues. I hope that in doing this we will make a statement for the RFC and for America.