Desertfalcon/Emerick Nov 08

Day 347, 13:22 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

First off, I would like to announce that I have decided that Emerick will be my running mate in the upcoming election. Emerick has been around the game for a long time and is an experienced politician within the Libertarian party.


Second off I would like to discuss my views on our military. If you had read my last article you probably already know of my plan to switch the army pay system from being a set pay rate that remains the same to a grade system in which you will be paid on how much you train and fight rather then being paid simply because your name is on a list. I also said that I would reorganize the military so that the active people get commended and placed in more important squads then the people who only train every other day or who turn absent without oral leave. If you want more detail on my views on military organization you can see my last article.

As for the matter of defense I believe that we should set aside a percentage of the federal budget each month to building defensive systems. I have divided the U.S. into four different defensive regions as you can see in this picture. Each colored region represents an area of that country that is open to attack.

The Red zone includes the south western states that share a border with Mexico. These states are the ones that would be in danger should we enter hostilities with Mexico. Allthough we are under no threat from the true mexicans the threat of a political takeover is likely due to Mexico's instability and therefore we should be a bit cautious and build up a wall on the U.S. Mexico border. This has already been started in Texas and California and I think we are making good progress here.

The Blue zone includes all the states on the eastern sea border. This region is vulnerable to attacks from Europe. We should build up a few defensive systems in some of the key east coast regions just to be safe. The Green zone includes the northernmost regions of the country and these regions are vulnerable to attack should we enter hostilities with Canada. This border would be hard to secure just because of it's massive size. My proposal would be to first secure the states which are vulnerable to attack from two different regions and then to strengthen the key states such as Pennsylvania (our main source of wood).

The Yellow zone included Hawaii and Alaska. These two regions are vulnerable to attack from Asia. The threat of an attack on Hawaii by the Japanese is low however Hawaii is the door between the U.S. and Asia so it should be viewed with strategic importance. Alaska is also a key region and it borders both Norwegian occupied Russia and Canada. Honestly I think right now the threat of attack is very low however we should at least prepare our key regions so that should something happen we are not caught off guard without enough money to defend ourselves.

As for the offensive side of things I would try to keep us from getting dragged into war that does not serve the interests of the American people. We have no need to get involved in a war with any of our neighbors at the moment and there are no resistance wars that we need to intervene with at the moment. If an Atlantis member ends up being attacked I will most likely have troops deployed to help defend that country however I don't think we should rush into every war that goes on right now.

For foreign policy we should stay in Atlantis since that has done good for us. I was secretary of state when we started negotiating Atlantis and it seems to be accomplishing the main goals we hoped it would.

Government positions

For the most part I would keep the same key staff members. I would like to have Moshie return as NSC director since he seems to be doing a good job so far and I would rebuild the citizens expansion program (CEP) as we can not have a strong country without a growing population. There are a couple of positions that I would like to have that have yet to be filled.

Chief Economic Adviser- The raw materials aspect of the game has brought in a whole new dimension to the economy and I will need a skilled economist to asist me in matters relating to the economy and to speak with congress on my behalf.

Secretary of State- My old job, The secretary of state would be in charge of negotiating with other countries on behalf of the president and would help manage foreign affairs.

Newbie Education Organization (NEO)- The NEO would be tasked with sending out welcome messages to new players and with publishing guides for new players so that our new citizens are well informed about how to survive and advance in the country.

As for the FBI and CIA I think they are useless at this point of time however I think they may serve some purpose later so I will keep them since really it does not hurt to have them. There are other government positions that need to be filled but right now I am focusing on helping build my party and my campaign.

Stay tuned for my article detailing my stance on the economic issues in V1.

November 08