Day 1046 Report (A while behind, I know)

Day 1,047, 06:23 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

In the eWorld today (well really yesterday):

In embargoes today/yesterday:

Serbia-North Korea


The Indians seem to have switched from maybe just a teeny bit pro-EDEN to just a little bit pro-Phoenix. After the USA told them that they didn't have any gold set aside for an MPP, the Indian president then proposed an MPP with a prominent member of the alliance that once overran them: Hungary. I believe they are just looking for protection wherever they can find it. They also signed a 'white peace' with Serbia.This has stripped them of the chance to liberate their eMalaysian friends from Serbian hands.

Poland has completed their wipe of Lithuania, along with Latvia. They conquered the Lithuanian Highland.

RW/TWs have been started vs. the Americans in FER/FWA, Tibet and Quinghai. All three were secured.

France attacked Spain's newly conquered regions of Auvergne and Midi-Pyrenees. The Spanish don't seem to care much though, as their objective was to just get the Brits off their borders.

RWs have exploded in the Indo held Australia. The regions of Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, and Northern Territory are now under attack via RW. The Aussies have lost in the high Titanium region of Northern Territory, but are winning everywhere else except Western Australia, also a High Titanium region.

Hungary secured Podolia vs a Ukrainian RW.

The N. Koreans secured Inner Mongolia from a Chinese RW.

Hungary secured Northern Basarabia vs Republic of Moldova's RW, however, the Moldovans restarted the RW, along with a Transinistran one.

The UK held of Canada's attack on Wales.

Croatia has now attempted to destroy Slovenia, attacking Styria and Carnithia, Prekmurje, Lower Carnolia, Inner Carnolia, and Slovenian Littoral.

Meanwhile, the Italians continued to assert their dominance over the Austrian's territory, attacking Carnithia just before they conquered Styria. A RW has been started in the latter region. There is also a RW vs the eHungarian occupiers in Burgenland.

The Spanish survived a RW from the Portuguese in their newly conquered region on Algarve.

As usual, this paper was Printed In Canada.

George Beeman