Day 1044 Report

Day 1,044, 13:50 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

In world news:

In economical news today:

(PTOed) Thailand -Greece
Brazil-South Africa

Wars today:

The eBrazilians conquered Peru's Santa Cruz today.

The Spanish have attacked Madiera, Portugal, just as the US was finishing up in Portugal's Azores Islands (now american). The Portuguese don't have many regions, or people for that matter, so the Spanish are expected to take Madiera. The Spanish also attacked the eBritish region of Midi-Pyrenees yet AGAIN!

Italiana has attacked the Austrian region of Salzburg.

Serbia attacked the former Bosnian region of West Srpska Republic, in an attempt to get it back.

Poland continued their assault on Lithuania, attacking the region of Lithuania Minor. About 24 hours ago, they conquered Sudovia. Latvia also contributed, attacking Samogitia.

Romania once more attacked the region of Northern Great Plain, Hungary. The Hungarians recently secured Burgenland vs Austria's RW.

A RW has been started in Sarawak, Serbia. This battle is not being very successful, but maybe it is a damage splitter for the battles above and below. Meanwhile, the Serbs secured Southern Thailand from the Thai Resistance. Immediately after, however, the Indians attacked the same region.

The UK liberated Northern Ireland back from Ireland's control.

The eIndos have secured Victoria, as expected vs the unsuccessful Australian RW.

My gold project recieved no answers, so either nobody cares, nobody knows about it, nobody has won the Treasure of Kings, or, most likely, they don't want to comment in public. So, from now on, you may simply PM me, or comment if you want.
What I need is:
If youhave EVER won the Treasure of Kings, PM me or comment that fact along with your answer to the question:
Have You Ever Bought Gold With RL Money?

As usual, this article was Printed In Canada
George Beeman