Day 1043 Report

Day 1,043, 13:57 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Sorry about my absence of late, but I am now back.

In Economical News today:


Pheonix superpower Serbia has stopped trading with its EDEN super-counterpart
(PTOed) Thailand-Poland
USA-South Korea

Also, I have discovered that the eCanadian economy is not as bad off as it may seem, or it is at least far better than the ePolish economy.I recently moved to Western Siberia for a few days (and returned), and hated it because I took the highest-paying job (obviously), and that was 2.3 PLN/day. Then, with income tax, it was 1.5 PLN/day. And no, the PLN is NOT worth more than the CAD.

1 gold= ~30 CAD
1 gold= ~50 PLN.

Here, I am currently paid ~4 CAD, including income tax.
And, the prices are about the same in both countries for food, so it was extremely hard for me to get by. I couldn't even get my health up to 100. Here, I can easily get my health up to 100, and happiness too, and everyday, my stockpile of money increases. Before I moved to Poland, I had 32 CAD. After, due to moving tickets, I still have 24 CAD.

So, I don't think we need to worry too much about our economy in relation to other economies.

In military news today:

The admin have brought back the wall, with the only difference being they appear to have knocked it over on its side. They tested it by having a refunded training war between Malaysia and the Philippines in Palawan. There were no problems, so they implemented it immediately.

Battles then promptly exploded throughout the "New New World".

Poland attacked their neighbor of Lithuania in Sudovia.

A RW has started in Southern Thailand vs Serbia again.

The Aussies have struck back via RW vs Indonesia in Victoria, this being the first time excluding the attack on Liaoning, that the Aussies have decided to attack Indonesia.

Croatia attacked the ever-vigilant Serbians in Brcko District.

Romania once again attacked Southern Basarabia, Hungary.

Brazil attacked their western neighbor of Peru in Santa Cruz.

The Britons have finally reattacked eIreland since the Irish seized the opportunity and conquered Northern Ireland. That is the region under attack.

And, finally, a last-minute addition to the paper, the US attacked the Portuguese in their island region of Azores. This is the first attack that I have ever witnessed against Portuguese original territory (But I have had periods of inactivity this summer).

And that concludes our military section today, but I am doing a project, for personal interest,and to see if my hypothesis is correct.

Gold. The most important currency in Erepublik. There have been many projects to see if the admins are scamming us. But none, to my knowledge, have been like this.

This project concerns the Treasure Of Kings. If you have gotten this, please comment, to say that you have gotten the treasure, and, also if you have ever bought gold with RL money. I will release the results later this week.

The CAF have released a newsletter that has been very well recieved by the Canadian public.

See if you can spot your writer in the article!

This Article Was Made In Canada.
George Beeman