Day 1038 Report

Day 1,038, 13:39 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman


In embargoes today:


Wars, battles, etc:

The eUK's attack on Midi-Pyrenees was a success, so now they are still at the Spanish border, having wasted Spain's gold. Meanwhile, Ireland continues to hold Northern Ireland, and it is not expected to be attacked soon.

A resistance war has been started in the region of Kangwon-Do, China, as a training war. The Chinese are thus fighting on both sides, with 5 citizens having dealt over 10000 damage, so this has definitely been a success.

Yet another RW has been started in Brcko District, Serbia. But, this is a TW, as citizens from Serbia are fighting on both sides, with multiple ones having over 5000 damage. Meanwhile, Croatia made an advance on Serbia no less than 2 hours ago, in the originally Bosnian region of West Srpska Republic. This one, however, is no training war. It was attacked in the goal of conquering and giving back to Bosnia & Herzegovina.

And, lastly, the intriguing Training War by Gemany in the region of Syddanmark was a success, as they did not lose the region.

And that is your Day 1038 Report.

George Beeman