Day 1037 Report

Day 1,037, 14:00 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Today in the eWorl😛

The new embargoes today are:


Moving on... (I wont put a Politics section unless something happens.)

In warfare today:

Spain conquered the eBritish region of Midi-Pyrenees, and the region was reattacked immediately by the UK from Auvergne. The Spanish are attempting to make it so that only France borders them to the north. Meanwhile, the Irish were attacking and conquering the now Irish region of Northern Ireland. There has not been another counter-attack on this region, because the Brits simply don't have enough Gold to attack.

Thailand has officially declared open war on the Serbs. This is the second new war vs. Serbia in as many days. Malaysia was the other, but their attempts to take Sarawak last night were foiled, as the Serbians held on to yet another region. They still hold the originally Bosnian region of Brcko District.

The Hungarians conquered the Romanian region of Northern Great Plain in their recently restarted war that was quite inactive for a while.

The American's training war with Poland in Idaho was successful, with the Poles retaining the region.

Lithuania secured the region of Samogitia vs. Latvian attack today.

And, lastly, the Danish have started a Resistance War vs the Germans, in the region of Syddanmark. Denmark has been pretty cut up recently, with 3 countries, herself included, holding the original territories (Denmark, Germany and Slovenia).

And that is your report for Erepublik day 1037.

George Beeman