Day 1036 Report

Day 1,036, 13:49 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

In eWorld news today:

For economical news,

Poland signed an embargo against Iran
Spain did likewise with South Korea
As did Peru for Bulgaria
Spain may no longer trade with Brazil, as they are from different alliances
And, eBolivia cannot trade with the eUSA

In other news, the admins have finally removed the Library and the Recovery aspects of the time management, which no longer exists.

once again, no impeachments today.

In the miltary news today,

The Americans have started a RW in their rented region of Idaho, to reclaim it from Polish control.

Latvia attacked their neighbor of Lithuania in the region of Samogitia.

Serbia secured their originally eBosnian region of Brcko District from the Bosnian attempts to reclaim it via Resistance War.

eHungary retained control of their region of Northern Hungary vs. Romania.

Hungary counter-attacked the newly conquered Romanian region of Northern Great Plain also.

The eUSA continues to hold Qinghai versus the Chinese Resistance. This is a training war though, just as the one vs Poland was.

The eSpanish empire attacked the British region of Midi-Pyrenees, inside of France, to try to rid the Brits from their borders. The region was swapped to the UK when Spain's CP, Ramzo, quit. It is looking like Spain will take over the region.

Seeing opportunity in the above battle, the Irish have attacked the long-wanted region of Northern Ireland, UK. This move is for conquering purposes, and is also meant to draw UK firepower away from Midi-Pyrenees. This region is not as valuable to Pheonix and EDEN as Midi, but it is looking like it will be conquered all the same.

And, Malaysia attacked the Serbian-controlled region of Sarawak. It is expected that they will lose, as Malaysia is a much smaller country.

That is your Day 1036 report.

George Beeman