Day 1035 Report

Day 1,035, 13:43 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

In the news on day 1035:

Poland stopped trading with Chile
Spain ceased trade with Brazil
Malaysia halted trade with Croatia
Both China and Peru stopped trading with Serbia
Croatia ceased trade with Iran
The Turks stopped trade with Greece

That is all for economic news today.

There have been, happily, no impeachments today.

In military news today:

The Thai resistance finally conquered the Indonesian and orriginally Thai region of Southern Thailand today.

A resistance has been started in Brcko District and West Srpska Republic, Serbia, by Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Romania launched yet another attack on the eHungarian region of Southern Great Plain.

A resistance has been started by the Chinese in the eUSA owned region of Qinghai. They recently attacked the Polish region of Zhejiang, which the Poles secured (training war). These 2 regions, plus Far Eastern Russia/Far Western Alaska, are the only expansions that remain for the USA.

And last but not least, Brazil attacked Peru today in their region of Santa Cruz.

That is all for today, see you later!

George Beeman