Day 1031 Report 2nd Publishing

Day 1,031, 16:28 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

I will be publishing daily reports of each day WHEN I CAN. I shall try to not be biased.

In world economy today:

Malaysia halted trade with China
China also stopped trading with Hungary
Poland stopped trade with Venezuela
Spain stopped trade with Iran
USA halted trade with Turkey

That is all for the economy news today.

In politics today, the only thing that happened was huge for us eCanadians. The CP, Rolo Tahmasee was impeached after a 10 day reign. He was elected on a MOAR WAR platform, and the result was that 1/3 of the way in his presidency, he had only attacked once, in Wales. He was impeached with a vote of 26 for, 5 against by 00AngryMobMan00, who along with SaraDroz, seemed to be leading the, well, angry mob. The reason for this impeachment is that evidence, such as game logs, are showing that along with Jbdivinus, Rolo was taking part in Project Mayhem, an article that ende😛
"Forward Project Mayhem. Forward the Canadian Empire."
Undoubtedely inspiring, but then:
"PS: This article is endorsed by Rolo Tahmasee and can be considered an influential part of his military platform."
It would seem that for Project Mayhem, the name says it all. But no one but the conspirators knew it was intended against Canada as a coup d'etat by some, to quote Rigour6, "self-centered" players.

I am not guaranteeing Rolo's involvement in any coup. That is for you to decide by looking at the logs.Rolo has not spoken about this yet, but I would encourage him to do so ASAP to clear up this mess. This is no spilt milk. This is spilt nuclear waste.

And finally, the part everybody wants: Military news.

Indonesian is attempting to expand their territory even more in their bid to wipe the Aussies. They attacked New South Wales, a region that, if conquered, leaves only Tasmania left for eAustralia. eIndonesia remains the only nation in the history of Erepublik to never, ever lose an original region.

A resistance was started in Kangwon by North Koreans. The Chinese are currently destroying the N.Koreans.

A resistance war was also started in the Venezuelan and originally Mexican region, Southeast of Mexico. It is expected that the Mexicans will attempt to restore their nation and RW the remaining Spanish regions.

eSerbia secured Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, 2 regions which were attacked via RW by 2 Malaysian citizens.

Poland secured Zijiang from Chinese attack today, their last remaining region in Eastern China.

Finland secured Sorlandet and Vestlandet from eBritish attack.

This is not today's news but I believe it to be fundamentally important. Poland region swapped with North Korea to move within one region and one battle to the largest fight in Erepublik history. They are soon expected to attack the high iron region of Liaoning, aka Lion King. Let us just hope that the servers don't crash in the Lion's Den like they did in the USA's attack of Far Eastern Russia, or as they like to call it, Far Western Alaska. Soon, we will see if EDEN can finally defeat and conquer Phoenix's last asian stronghold, Take 3. You know what they say, 3rd time's the charm!

Hope you liked my report of day 1031.
George Beeman