Day 1,062 Report

Day 1,062, 15:23 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

In military action in the last 24 hours:

(Romania used their vast array of castles to defend themselves)
The eHungarians attacked eRomania in Banat. Romania struck back, conquering Northern Great Plain, Hungary. The Romanians secured all their regions vs a 4-pronged attack from PHOENIX powers Serbia, Hungary, Russia, and PHOENIX HQ, Bulgaria, in Central Black Earth (Russia), Oltenia and Banat (Serbia), Mutenia (Bulgaria), and Transilvania and Maramures (Hungary).

(India dearly wants this back from Pakistan)
The Indians, trying to reclaim their territory with the help of the USA, launched a US-sponsored RW in Kerala. There is also one in Tamil Nadu, USA. The eIndians got Bihar back from the eUSA, which was not a great move, as Pakistan attacked Bihar immediately. The Pakistanis also caused the Indian RW in Gujarat to fail. The reason that the US won't attack Pakistan directly is a matter of religion, that means that if the USA attacked Pakistan, they would draw in fighters internationnally, and would fail in their quest to liberate India.

Russia, now down to 1 region, started a RW in american-owned FER. They failed to regain Kaliningrad from Polish control.

The Danish started a RW and conquered Nordyjlland, Finland, regaining a region for the first time in my eLife. There has also been a RW started in Syddanmark.

The eBulgarians secured Semnan vs Iran, in a TW.

(Has EDEN forgotten all the poor kangaroos???)
The Indonesians conquered South Australia, which was reattacked. Australia is once again collapsing to Indonesia as EDEN seemingly forgets about them.

The Czech Republic conquered Moravia vs Slovakia.

Slovenia has been conquered in all original regions, leaving it with just Schleswig-Holstein And Hamburg, in the northern part of Germany, their ally.

(With temples like this, the Turks simply HAVE to have the Gods on their side!)
Turkey struck back vs Greece, attacking Black Sea Coast Of Turkey, Central Anatolia, Agean Coast Of Turkey, and Mediterranean Coast Of Turkey. But the Greeks attacked Southeastern Anatolia.

As always, this article was Printed In Canada.
George Beeman