Day 1,059 Report

Day 1,059, 13:38 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

I have decided to scrap the economy section. If you want it back, just tell me.

In warfare today:

The Russians initially secured Volga vs Poland, but they struck back and conquered Volga Vyatka, but the region was reattacked immediately, ending in failure, 8-3. The Ruskies also attempted (unsuccessfully) to regain the 0 resource region of Northern Russia from Poland (but, as usual, reattacked), who would like very much to keep it so that Russia cannot hit Finland, who, by the way, owns eBritish region Scotland. The Romanians conquered an were immediately attacked via RW in Central Black Earth, another high Grain region to go along with Romania's high Oil region of North Caucasus. The Romanian attackers then attacked Volga. They were able to get these regions only after a long-standing Russian PTO of the Ukraine broke, and the new CP then withdrew the nation from PHOENIX and let Romania into Russia. The Russians tried to get back Eastern Siberia and FER/FWA, but failed in Eastern Siberia, and restarted the one in FER/FWA after failure.

The Indians are regaining their territory from the Pakistanis, as a quick look at the world map in that region of Asia will show, as the Indians RWed and conquered Andhra Pradesh back. They also attacked Jharkhand, Pakistan, directly. The americans have intervened on India's side once again, taking regions that eIndia recently conquered so that Pakistan cannot take them. This will likely lead to India favouring EDEN over PHOENIX after PHOENIX nearly wiped them. The Pakistanis secured Jammu & Kashmir vs Indian RWs. The Indian foreign policy of neutrality has not benifitted them well at all, as they now have no friends who can help them in either PHOENIX or EDEN.

A RW has started in one of the last Asian region of eSerbia in Peninsular Malysia. The Serbs once again secured it, 8-2.

The Croats secured Northwest Croatia vs Hungarian attack, which was likely a damage drain for the battles in Russia. The Romanians secured Maramures vs another Hungarian battle drain, and now, the Hungarians have attacked Romania again, this time in Crisana.

The Turks secured Eastern Anatolia vs the Greek advance, winning 8-3. The Turkish then attacked Mediterranean Coast of Turkey.

RW/TWs were started in Qinghai and Chongquing by the Chinese.

The Aussies have struck back vs the Indonesian occupiers, attempting to RW back their High Titanium region of Western Australia. They have completely liberated their country by themselves before, so I believe they can do it again. Their cause will be soon be helped by the fact that their neighbor, New Zealand will become a complete country on day 1,096, when their peace is lifted and they can attack.

As always, this article was Printed In Canada.
George Beeman