Day 1,058 Report

Day 1,058, 13:47 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Sorry about my abscence, but my cheap antivirus system failed to act recently.

Before we get the eWorld news, I would just like to congratulate the rescuers of the Chilean miners from their ordeal. NOW FOR THE REST OF EM!

In the eworld today:



Sorry I don't have more, but the fake useless alliances are completely taking up the newsfeed.

In warfare today:

(Russian celebrations over Western Siberia)
The Ruskies reclaimed their region of Western Siberia from Poland (who restarted the battle) in a battle that was crucial to PHOENIX as it is one of two regions (all used to be in Russia) that have 3 high resources. In this one, those are Iron, Oil and Titanium. Now would be a great time to get a Canadian or Aussie Titanium company, as EDEN will be looking to supply their needs through their allies. RW's were started in Northern Russia, Volga, North Caucasus, and Northern Russia by Russians. The Romanians attacked Central Black Earth, helping continue the destruction of Russia. Russian RWs were also started in Eastern Siberia and FER/FWA.

A TW/RW was started in Xinjiang, Poland, by the Chinese. TW/RWs were also started in Poland's rented regions of Illinois, Connecticut and South Dakota

(Istanbul (in Marmara) has long since fallen to Greek might)
The Greeks have attacked the eTurks again in Eastern Anatolia, continuing their destruction of Turkey. The Greek conquest in Turkey has vaulted them into the top 5 countries, with over 9000 citizens. At the current rate of resistance by Turks, the Greek domination in Turkey will be a cinch. You could almost say the Turks like it. Killing Turkey will also give them uncontested domination over new Erepublik country Cyprus.

(The Taj Mahal, a now Pakistani possesion)
The Americans seured West Bengal vs an Indian RW, as the Indians continue to crumble to Pakistan. The RW was restarted 1 hour later. The Indians reconquered Orissa vs Pakistan, and have started a RW in Andhra Pradesh, Pakistan.

The Serbs held off a Thai RW in Southern Thailand.

The Croatians have failed in their quest to conquer Lower Carnolia, Slovenia.

The Columbians conquered Guyana, Venezuela.

Denmark signed an MPP with the Polish.

As always, this article was Printed In Canada.
George Beeman

P.S. Do the images make the paper much more readable? Oh and good luck the the rest of the Chilean miners!