Darwin: a Full of Passion Region...Vote Me!

Day 243, 01:46 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by E.I.N.H.A.N.D.E.R.X

Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mengajukan diri menjadi bakal calon Gubernur Darwin dari Partai IDS. Sebuah keputusan yang sudah dipikirkan secara masak-masak, dan berdiskusi dengan rekan company, citizen senior dan pak presiden.

Mengingat bahwa saya sebelumnya memilih untuk [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-416002.html]pasif dalam politik[/a], apakah saya sudah bersikap plin plan? Saya rasa tidak. Let's say ini adalah sebuah progres positif dalam hidup saya di erepublik.

Darwin, a region that has 47 citizens population with growth 40% growth rate (update😛 New citizen:19). It's a high growth rate, I think, but the most important is "Q" for Quality, not "Q" for Quantity!

My general vision for Darwin is to make Darwin to be a "full of passion" region.
My missions are:

* Keep the growth rate and increase numbers of citizen
* Fill Darwin with "desire" and "passion"
* Support the policies of eIndonesia's Government

In order to make those come true, I have several programmes:

* Darwin Stats - census of Darwin Citizens
* Darwin Well, Darwin Productive - Free gift for qualified citizens
* Welcome to Darwin - With cooperation with some company, Darwin will be a good destiny to move. Free moving tickets for them who want to move to Darwin!
* Darwin Expo - Contest with some interesting prizes!
* Darwin Alert! - Darwin is always ready to support eIndonesia

Darwin, you have my words and let's make Darwin a full of passion region! Vote me!
