Current events :(

Day 5,201, 10:19 Published in Spain Spain by Ddraig Goch

I have to say, this game is sadder and sadder every time. Before, you had to pay to make the difference. That is normal here and everywhere: the more you pay, the more you get.
But at least, with that you could have all the basics, for example in events. Paying 30-45€ (PP + BP + IK or Mav, in any combination), and if you had a decent storage (decent was enough), you could coplete it all. And event used to be... better.

Now, you have to pay, after paying, to complete worst events, less dynamic, with less rewards, normally a bad copy of an old one.
It´s so sad to see what this game has become inwich the last... 5 years? 6?. Well, you could see it then, but know you can smell it. Like a dump by the road. The less player they have, the more they want to get from the rest. I think the events are still on because of the extra money Plato takes from them. Improve is not an option.

What a shame.

Selling packs
-1,2kkcc 15€
-820kcc 10€