Croatian Relations part 2

Day 1,989, 12:07 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Well hello everyone,Parth here.I am here with some disputable but very important news.Croatia has just voted to leave EDEN.That we might be able to play to our advantage.But if Croatia decides to join CoT we are screwed.They will never be able to return to the core Croatia.Most of the government has not dealt with this and he YUUVA leader Don Mogul has some Internet problems so I think it is legit to declare a short term emergency.I will bring you the latest update soon.
Jai Hind

Your Firelord Parth

Crisis averted.There was some talk with Croatians and the deal made by Hamturk is still on although we may need some more discussion to be done.